38. Heracles

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Gal sat beside Robin in the kitchen and they both watched as Isadora and Heracles, arm wrestled at the table. They were equally matched, both fighting for the upper hand. They locked eyes and Heracles gave a cocky smile which she returned with a smirk.

"So, where have you been all this time?" She asked and forced his hand forward slightly but he pulled her hand back the other way.

"Oh, you know here and there, Olympus mostly."

"Ah, I see, so you've become one of those lazy deities who lounges around drinking wine and eating ambrosia all eternity without care. It shows." She said and forced his hand down just inches from the table surface but he pulled her back the other way almost slamming her hand down she resisted and brought his hand back to the middle and they began fighting in one spot again.

"Hey, we can't all bounce from place to place as we wish all the time."

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah, right, it must be really tough for you to be a God."

Robin folded his arms and smiled as he watched her. "I knew she was strong but wow... first wrestling Heracles in the street now she's sitting here arm wrestling him and they're equally matched." He sighed. "She really is incredible."

"Indeed," Gal replied and narrowed his eyes as he watched them. He didn't believe that Heracles merely came here to reminisce and play around. What was the real reason for this visit?

Isadora handed Heracles a cup of tea and laughed

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Isadora handed Heracles a cup of tea and laughed. "You haven't changed since our trip in the Argo."

Robin walked over to her with a surprised look. "You never told me you were a part of the crew on the Argo."

Heracles slapped the table, almost making it give out. "Isadora, by this day, do not tell me you have not recounted our many great adventures together?"

She sucked in through her teeth. "Well, if I tried to talk about my past it could take forever... Also please don't break my table."

Heracles leaned back in his chair. "Sit down, young man and I shall tell you largely of the great Isadora." He gestured to the seat across from him.

She put a hand over her eyes and laughed. "Oh no, you got him started."

Robin laughed and kissed her cheek as he passed by and sat down. "I'm going to enjoy this." He whispered.

She pursed her lips and folded her arms. Why did he have to act like a proud older brother all the time?

"Picture if you will, my friend, the largest grand wooden vessel carved by the greatest craftsmen as well as the Gods. Aboard this ship are some of the most legendary heroes. Leading the way is Jason and he has a quest to fetch the golden fleece."

Gal walked up beside Isadora. "Yet another of your friends I have yet to meet."

"Well, when you are as old as I you meet a lot of people. You can't possibly meet everyone I have ever met, Gal." She smiled and lightly nudged him with her shoulder.

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