44. Calista

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Lucinda's eyes opened to see that creature standing in front of the tree. He held out a cup and blood trailed down the bark and inside it. She furrowed her brows in confusion. The blood that was pooling on the floor was coming from that tree. How? Why?

He turned around, walked over, and knelt down as he held her in his arms. She tried to get her body to move but she was far weaker than before. Every ounce of strength was drained. He pressed the cup to her lips and the blood trailed down her throat. She coughed and spat and cringed at the metallic taste. She looked up at him in fear and hate as her body shivered.

"You have been drained of your mortal blood, new blood shall course through your veins now. A new life. We shall be bound by the same curse and use it for our revenge." He wiped her lip with his thumb.

Revenge? What revenge? Revenge on who? Why was he doing this to her? She wasn't who he thought she was. What did this monster want with her?

He bit his wrist and drank, then pressed his lips to hers and fed her his blood. Cindy's eyes widened and she bit his lip hard.

He pulled away and laughed slightly as he licked his lip. "I see you're still as feisty now as you were back then."

She glared at him furiously then began coughing and convulsing.

He smiled. "Don't fight the change, it will only make it more painful. Sleep my darling and be reborn." He said and kissed her forehead.

Tears ran down her cheeks as she shut her eyes. Her entire body burned as the blood flooded her veins. The scar on her chest felt as if it was being torn open. She tried to fight back against it. She didn't want to change. She didn't want to become like him. Wasn't there anything she could do? Wasn't there anyone who could save her?

She saw Tristan's face in her mind and she reached out for him but he faded away into the darkness.

Cindy let out a scream just before her mind fell completely into the void.

Cindy opened her eyes and she was standing barefoot in a large forest of tall trees. The wind blew through her and the rich green grass tickled her ankles. She drew her brows and looked down at herself to see she was wearing a white gown of some sort. She reached out and brushed her fingers through her hair to find it was long and silver.

A hand took hers and she turned to see a beautiful girl with fair skin, brown hair, and green eyes.

"Come sister, father is going to play his flute. We shall dance beneath the moonlight." She said and pulled her along when a hand took her other hand. She looked over her shoulder to see another beautiful girl with blue eyes and red hair.

"Calista, let's dance together, okay?" She grinned.

Cindy managed a smile and nodded in confusion. Where was she? Wasn't she just... Wait, where did she come from? What was her name again? Who was she?

The girls led her to a large clearing surrounded by trees and before her, sat a man with silver skin and large goat horns, golden eyes, and brown hairy goat legs. He had pointy ears adorned with golden rings. He held a flute in hand and smiled as she and many other women gathered around.

"Father." They all said in unison and bowed before him.

She stood fixed to the spot looking at him and she put a hand to her chest as it began to ache. Tears streamed down her cheeks against her control. He lifted his eyes to her and gave a warm smile.

"My dearest daughter, Calista." He held out his hand.

She wept, hurried over to him, and jumped in his arms. "Father!"

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