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"Novalia Liora Rossi! What did I say about running in the house!" Roman scolded me as I raced from the kitchen into the living room.

Well it isn't my fault that I'm just so fast!

"Roro! You ruined my race! Now I have to start over!" I huffed and rolled my eyes at him.

His face held a playful smile on.

Uh-oh what was he going to do now?

"Just wait until Lorenzo gets home" He grinned at me and my mouth dropped.

"Roro you can't do this to me! I promise you that I'll haunt you when I'm dead!" I shouted at him and ran to him.

I punched his legs since he was like a giant next to me.

"You're like a grown adult you know" Roman snickered and picked me up.

"That's because I am!" I snorted at him.

"You're literally 4 Nova" He scoffed and I scowled at him.

He lets out a chuckle which made me more angry.

"Let me go roro! I need to go play barbies with Julius!" I groaned and shrugged trying to get out of his hold.

"Nova are you sure you're talking about Julius? Our brother? Since when did he start playing barbies?" Roman asked confusedly as he looked at me.

"Yes now put me down!" I said as I wiggled.

"What's the magic word?" He grinned at me still holding me close.

"Please?" I tilted my head with a grin.

"Okay, don't run up the stairs Nova" he gave me a pointed look and set me down.

"I won't roro!" I hugged his legs and ran out of the living room.

"You'll be the death of me" I heard Roman sigh.

I carefully went up the stairs listening to what Roman told me.

I made my way into my room and grabbed my barbies and went to Julies room.

Since I couldn't reach the door handle I just knocked on his door but there was no response.

I knocked again but there was still no response.

I huffed and went downstairs and dragged Roman to his door.

"Can you open his door for me please?" I asked Roman politely because he's always nice to me.

"Of course princess" he nodded and opened the door for me.

"Thanks Roro." I smiled and went into julius room.

I went inside to find him fast asleep.

"Julius?" I called out but he was still asleep.

I run over to his bed trying to get on but fail miserably.

Why is everything so high in this house!

I try once again and end up falling onto the floor with a thump.

Me being me I decided to lay like a starfish and cry my frustration out.

"Oh shit- what happened Nova?" I looked to see julius getting out of his bed and picking me up.

"I fell" I sniffled and hugged his neck.

"Did you get hurt? Let me see?" Julius questioned and sat me on his bed.

"I didn't get hurt juli, I'm just sad that's all" I layed back onto his bed.

"You wanna take a nap?" He asked as he ruffled my hair.

I nodded my head at his question.

"Can you lay with me please juli?" I asked him with a pout.

"Fine." he grumbled and I smiled in victory.

"Wait!" I stopped him and he raised his eyebrow.

"Can you give me my barbies? They're on the floor" I said as he picked my barbies from the floor and gave them to me.

I put my barbies under the blankets with me because what if they get cold?

Julius lied next to me so I wrapped my arm around him and moved closer to him.

"Give me some space julius!" I groaned.

"You're the one moving closer to me, you little shit." He snickered at me.

"Yeah, yeah, now hush" I smirked and closed my eyes finally falling asleep.

"Is she sick?"

"She isn't sick Rocco she just decided to take a nap with me"

"I missed her, she hasn't called me all day"

So many people were talking but I was too tired to open my eyes.

"Princess?" I felt someone massage my head so I opened my eyes to see Enzo.

"Enzo!" I shouted and climbed into his arms.

"Hi princess. Come on let's go downstairs?" He said whilst carrying me.

"Okay, did you bring my french fries?" I asked him as I twirled his hair with my fingers.

"Of course I did" He spoke as we went down the stairs.

I lifted my head off Enzo's shoulder and saw Roman cooking in the kitchen.

"Hi Roro!" I spoke and waved at him.

"Hi baby, dinners almost ready" He smiled at me.

"Okay! Enzo can we watch barbie in the meantime?" I wanted to spend some time with him since he's been so busy at work.

"Then let's go princess" He said and kissed my forehead.

We watched Barbie and the popstar as I sat in Enzo's lap because I was cold even though we had my pink blanky.

"Dinners ready!" Roman shouted and I could hear julius and Rocco running down the stairs.

"Let's go eat baby. Why didn't you FaceTime me today huh?" Enzo grinned at me and filled my face with kisses.

"Okay! Okay! That's enough now Enzo I promise I'll call you next time!" I giggled as I spoke.

He set me down and I walked over to julius and Rocco because I sit between them both.

Rocco helped me onto my barbie chair and Roman gave me my food.

"Oooh yummy!" I exclaimed.

Who wouldn't when they have dinosaur shaped nuggets and fries and pesto pasta on the side.

We all ate but I couldn't finish my last French fry.

Just then Rocco grabbed it and ate it.

"We all knew you wouldn't have eaten it" Rocco said as he shrugged.

I couldn't protest because I was too full to even talk.

"Come on Nova let's go run you a bath" Enzo helped me off my chair and held my hand guiding me up the stairs.


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