| 36. Fiesty|

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L O R E N Z O • P O V

"Stop being a dick and go play barbies with her." Rocco snickered at Julius as he stuffed his mouth with Nova's lucky charm cereal.

"I'm not a-"

"What's a dick?" Nova asked as she glared at Rocco for stealing her cereal.

"Oh look it's a butterfly! Let's go catch it!" Julius exclaimed as he picked Nova up and ran outside.

"What!?" Rocco questioned as I glared at him.

"I told you to stop fucking using those words when she's around." I huffed and shook my head.

"She lives with boys what do you expect?" He laughed.

"I thought you were a man?" I questioned as I held in a laugh.

"Oh shut the fuck up Enzo." Rocco laughed and slapped my shoulder.

Ever since Rocco's incident or whatever the fuck you wanna call it happend he's been alot friendlier.

Normally he'll have an attitude for I'm not sure what reason.

He still has them who am I kidding.

"This fucking cereal is disgusting. Enzo I think you need to shave that beard. It makes you look too mature." He huffed

See I told you he never changed Enzo.

Oh shut the fuck up.

These voices in my head talk too fucking much.

"I am fucking mature." I said as he contained a laugh.

"Did I say you weren't?" He snapped back.

"Then what the fuck did you say?" I snapped.

"You can't look more mature than me or people won't think I'm a man that hit puberty." He grinned at me.

"ENZO!" I heard Nova scream as her footsteps could be heard.

"Yeah!?" I said in return as she ran right up next to me.

"Look! Julius caught a butterfly!" She exclaimed with excitement as Julius held the butterfly in his hand.

"Why don't you hold it princess?" I smiled as the smile continued to spread on her face.

"No butterflies scare me." She said as a nervous grin appeared onto her face.

"Oh you have a beard! It looks nice." She gasped.

Her attention was quickly taken off from the butterfly and onto my beard.

"No it doesn't." Rocco said as her head snapped to him.

"You don't even have one Rocco." She smiled sarcastically at him making me laugh.


"One complaint from Nova and you'll be saying goodbye to your car." I said and narrowed my eyes at Rocco.

I haven't seen Rafael in a while so I've decided to go make a short visit.

Rocco and Roman were gonna leave the house any second now to pick up food so Julius was my only hope for a babysitter.

Luckily Nova was asleep or she would have cried because she hates when I leave.

"We all already knew you weren't giving my car back Enzo." Rocco rolled his eyes and walked upstairs Roman's room.

"Remind me to get a tank of anesthesia at your next appointment." I huffed to myself as I grabbed my car keys and drove to my warehouse.

I was greeted by the guards as I walked inside and of course I greeted back.

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