| 32. Attitude |

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"I'm sorry- about what happened earlier but your brother's situation was critical." The doctor said and looked at Julius who stood next to me.

"Just tell me he's alright." I quickly muttered and could feel my jaw clench with nervousness.

"He's a strong person, he pulled through." He smiled and continued.

"Oh thank God." I muttered in relief and looked over to julius to see if he heard the same thing.

"What- what caused this to happen? I thought the Transplant was successful." Julius questioned.

"It was successful but its a common occurrence for patients to experience Humoral or heart rejection. We'll up his dosage of immunosuppressants to make sure his heart doesn't get rejected once more. I'll see you soon Mr Rossi. " He explained and greeted a goodbye.

"Wait! Can we see him?" Roman suddenly shouts with a sleeping Nova in his arms.

My head snaps back to Julius to see if my mind isn't hallucinating.

I thought Julius held her?

"2 people for the most. Let's not make him overwhelmed it could cause strain to his heart." The doctor said and walked away to his next patient.

"You and Roman go, I'll wait here with her." Julius muttered and took Nova from Roman.

I patted his shoulder as a thank you and made my way into Rocco's room.

I was immediately welcomed with the sound of machinery beeping.

There Rocco layed with even more machines hooked up to him.

A extra dosage of immunosuppressants was given to him to stop any heart rejection from occurring.

I slowly walked over to him and softly stroked the hairs from his face.

The doctors told us it's very common for this to occur during heart Transplants.

The healing time would be approximately 3 months.

I would sacrifice 3 months of my work for him if that's the case.

It wouldn't even be a problem.

My family is way more important than anything else.

"Lorenzo?" Roman's soft murmurs broke me out of my daze.

"Mhm?" I hummed in confusion.

"Go get some rest you've been up since who knows what time and don't even try disagreeing." Roman shot me a look that's supposed to scare me.

"Am I supposed to be scared?" I questioned.

"And yet you wonder where these kids get their attitude from." He grumbled.

"Seriously go home Lorenzo. Please?" He said and I finally agreed.

I might have threatened Roman to inform me at all times about Rocco's recovery but he knows I mean no harm.

The house is really quiet.

Thats only because Nova and Julius are currently watching Moana or whatever you call it.

While they do that I decided to catch up on some work I missed out on.

While they do that I decided to catch up on some work I missed out on

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HIIII everyone another chapter published because you all deserve it.

This chapter isn't edited because I might be a teeny tiny but lazy haha.

I've been so down that I haven't even read a book in 2 damn days but we'll push through.

Every single one of you is important and is loved every second of each day<3

Much love <3333

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