|27. Heart Transplant|

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"Excuse me! What's happening?" I shouted successfully getting the doctors and nurses attention.

The reception area was filled with aiders and doctors including nurses.

"We're giving him the walk of honor sir." He nodded with a sad smile.

"That means-" I cut myself off not trying to make the guilt in my chest worse.

"He signed documents saying that if he does pass away his organs can be donated, and that's why we're here giving him the walk of honor." He finished and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

I stood there, stiff trying to take in all the information.

It's all my fault isn't it?

If I just would of done a bit more.

If I just left this life behind and gave my family a normal life.

"Mr Rossi?" I was called out of my thoughts by the same doctor I had spoken to.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him not getting the voice to speak just yet.

"Your brother has been given the chance to live again with the help of our late friend 'Dr Damon, he was on the list of a person in need of a heart Transplant and I think this one is a perfect match." He gave me a hopeful smile as he spoke.

"So he's getting the Transplant?" I asked with a relived smile making its away onto my lips.

"He is." He nodded.

"Then what are we waiting for?" I questioned as my chest beamed with happiness.

"I need you to sign a some forms and we'll be good to go." He said as I followed him to his office.


"I'm doctor Killian Hernandez." He shook my hand as we introduced ourselves.

"I'm placing my trust in you Hernandez." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I'll give my absolute best in this surgery Mr Rossi." He spoke with a reassuring smile.

"Alright I'm trusting you." I chuckled in return and patted his arm.

"We are just waiting for the heart to be removed and then we'll start immediately." He said before making his way out of his office.

I left and went to Rocco's room getting the attention of everyone.

I mean the attention of Nova, Julius and Roman.

Rocco was still in a coma but if everything goes well and smooth he'll wake up as soon as his body is healed.

"You need some sleep brother." Roman chuckled but immediately stopped once I glared at him.

"Can I speak with you two for a
second?" I asked and pointed at Roman and Julius.

"Yeah, come on get up you goofball." Roman said and budged Julius to get up from his seat.

I rolled my eyes at their actions and left the room waiting for them.

As soon as they came out I immediately told them to sit down.

"I need to tell you guys something." I swallowed.

They nodded waiting for me to continue.

"I'm going to get straight to the point. Rocco needs a heart Transplant." I breathed out.

"What?" They shot back in shock.

"But we've found a donor and the surgery would proceed as soon as the heart arrives." Their faces lit up in relief.

Their shoulders slumped from their stressed position.

"I'm just so glad he's going to be alright." Julius muttered out as he weaved his fingers through his hair.

"Mr Rossi?!" I heard Killian's voice.

I turned my head towards him.

"We've got the heart ready. All we need is your word." He smiled and nodded at Julius and Roman.

"Are these your siblings?" He asked with a little smile.

"This is my brother Roman and he's my son." I pointed to each of them.

"Nice to meet you guys." He nodded.

"Hernandez I think it's time to proceed." I nodded at him.

"Alright my team is already in the operation theater waiting for him." He said.

"Let me just get my daughter." I said and went into Rocco's room.

"Nova? Come on we need to go." I said softly and picked her up from Rocco's bed.

"Why Enzo!?" She whined but hugged my neck.

"Because the doctors needs him." I smiled softly at her and kissed her forehead.

I gave Killian a nod showing him that he can proceed.

"Alright I'll see you after the surgery." He greeted a goodbye and walked off to the operation theater.

Soon some nurses walked into Rocco's room and rolled his bed to the theater.


"The operation takes about 4 hours so just calm down." Roman grumbled at Julius who was going crazy because the doctors apparently took too long.

Does this boy know what a heart Transplant even is?

"How long has it been?" Julius asked looking at me for a answer.

"It's been an hour." I sighed with a chuckle.

"I swear it feels like it's been hundreds of hours." He groaned jabbed Roman against the shoulder.

"Hey?!" Roman retorted and gave him the annoyed look.

I shook my head at these two shenanigans and readjusted a sleeping Nova into my arms.

"She's sleeping be quiet." I muttered as I brushed the baby hairs from her face.

"Yeah be quiet Roman." Julius smirked at him.

He rolled his eyes in return and took his phone out of his pocket.

We all sat quietly, just doing our own things waiting for time to fly by.

Well everyone except Nova since she's sleeping but if she weren't this hospital lobby would have been filled with her voice.

Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for not publishing a chapter for the last 4 days I've lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident and I've caught a horrible cold

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Hi everyone! I'm so sorry for not publishing a chapter for the last 4 days I've lost a loved one to a motorcycle accident and I've caught a horrible cold.

But I hope you enjoyed the chapter:)

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