| 47. Classroom |

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N O V A L I A • P O V

"Nova wake up." Enzo said as he kept bothering me.

I huffed and hid my face under my barbie pillow.

Rocco bought me it for me as a birthday gift and I love it!

"You have school Nova, you wouldn't want to be late now would you?" Enzo said once again.

I forced my eyelids open and turned to Enzo, narrowing my eyes at him.

I love him so much but I still love sleeping just as much.

"Come on princess." He muttered as he picked me up and headed to my bathroom and placed me next to the sink.

He helped me get ready for school, yes school.

To think that I just turned 5 and I'm already starting school.

Barbie didn't go to school or did she?

I don't remember watching an episode with such.

"All done." Enzo smiled and kissed my cheeks.

My hair was nicely styled and so was my outfit which lightened my sleepy mood.

By now we were downstairs eating breakfast as Rocco chewed purposefully loud to annoy Julius.

"If you want to be a goat just go to the farm." Julius snapped and threw a full on pancake at Rocco but luckily he dodged it but Roman wasn't so lucky.

The pancake slowly slipped of his face with the residue of honey still sticking to his face.

"I'm going to fucking rip your balls off and make sure you don't have kids because God they'll be annoying like you." Roman snickered and got up from his seat and went to the bathroom.

"What!? He started it first!" Rocco huffed as Enzo glared at the two of them making me giggle.

The day just started and they're already annoying.

"Leave my kid alone Rocco." Enzo said before Rocco could even utter a word.

The look on Rocco's face clearly said he was about to snap but he stayed quiet, the glare on his face not faltering.

"Princess I think it's time for us to leave." Enzo muttered as he looked at his phone.

"Do I have to go to school?" I groaned as Julius smirked at me.

"Unless you want pancakes in your face I suggest you wipe that smirk off your face Julius." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Let's just go before you all start fighting again." Enzo said as he helped me off my chair and grabbed my backpack.

I greeted each of my brothers but Rocco because he made fun of my barbie backpack.

He said my backpack was made for kids but I am a kid.

"Come here you little shit." Rocco smiled as he pulled me into a hug.

"You call me if anyone messes with you okay princess?" He said as I nodded.

He gave my cheek one last kiss before he let me go.


"Bye mi amor I love you" Enzo smiled as he kissed my forehead not letting me go.

"How many times are you gonna say bye but not let me go?" I asked as he laughed.

"Okay fine." He sighed and let me go.

Elijah and Sirius were also here today I'm guessing his going to the same school as me.

Atleast I'll have my best friend with me.

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