| 11. Open wide |

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"Enzo I just wanna sleep!" I groaned and hid my face in his pillow.

"Nova let's first eat and then we can cuddle?" Enzo said as he tickled my tummy.

It's been 2 days since I've been to the doctor and I've gotten a lot better thanks to Enzo!

And my other brothers of course.

Okay not so much.

When i was sick I couldn't swallow properly because of my throat so Julius had to just eat my gushers! I'll get my revenge.


"Okay fine" I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Hey! What did I say about rolling your eyes?" Enzo said as he's eyes were narrowed.

"That I'm the only girl in the world whose allowed to do whatever I want" I grinned got comfy in his bed.

"Damn right you are" Enzo smiled and pulled my cheek.

"Enzo!" I shouted and hit his hand.

"It's not my fault you have such soft cheeks?" Enzo grinned and pulled me into a hug.

"You have no idea how much I love you Nova" Enzo mumbled as he continued hugging me.

"I love you more than I love my barbie dolls Enzo" I said and tightened my hug.

"That's a flex right?" Enzo chuckled as we parted from our hug.

"I guess" I shrugged and let out a yawn.

"Come on let's go eat after that you can take a good night's rest" Enzo said and picked me up.

"It's called a beauty sleep silly!" I exclaimed and shook my head.

"My bad princess" Enzo apologized as we walked down the stairs.

"Nova!" Rocco grinned and crouched down motioning for a hug.

Enzo quickly set my down from his arms and I immediately ran to Rocco.

"Thank God that you're getting better" Rocco huffed and spun me around.

"I'm dizzy!" I giggled as I tumbled over my feet.

"I got you" Enzo said and scooped me right up before I could hit the floor.

"You're my hero Enzo!" I exclaimed and kissed his cheek.

"Oh yeah? And what if I steal your gushers?" Enzo grinned.

I gasped at his words.

"Then I'll make sure every food you eat will be filled with tomatoes!" I huffed.

"Do you want me to die? I'm very much allergic to tomatoes." Enzo narrowed his eyes and placed me into my barbie stool.

"I don't want you to die but if you want to die then just eat some of my gushers" I shrugged and twirled my fork into my bowl of carbonara spaghetti.

I go to take a bite of the spaghetti but the noodles slips off my fork!

How does barbie do this!?

"You need help princess?" Enzo said as he sat in the chair next to me.

"Yes please!" I smiled as he took my fork and twirled the spaghetti noodles.

"Open wide!" Enzo smiled as he fed me.

"I'm done! Thank you Enzo!" I exclaimed and layed back into my barbie chair rubbing my now very filled tummy.

"Good job baby! You ate all your food!" Enzo said and kissed my cheek.

I smiled back at him and got off the chair using his help.

It was only Enzo and I that ate dinner.

The rest of my brothers went somewhere together-

I was cut off by the door bell ringing.

"Nova could you get that please?" Enzo said as he set our dishes into the dishwasher.

"Okay!" I said and skipped over to the front door.

Our front door doesn't use a key but it uses a button instead.

I pressed the button which was quite reachable and the door opened to see julius with 3 balloons in his hand , Roman with a pink 2 tier cake and Rocco with a medium sized fluffy teddy bear.

"Tada!" Roman exclaimed as i looked at the balloons.

"It's for me?" I gasped as I questioned them.

"It's for you" Rocco said as he handed me the teddy.

"Look it says 'Nova is recovering like a champ" Julius said as he pointed to the balloons which has writing on it.

I can't read sadly.

I squealed and hugged each of their legs before Rocco picked me up and held my teddy in his other arm.

"Thank you soooooo much!" I said as I dragged the word so out.

"You're welcome princess!" Rocco smiled as he kissed my cheek.

I wiggled in his arms and he immediately set me down.

I ran into the kitchen finding Enzo.

"Enzo! Enzo! Look!" I shouted as I showed him my new teddy which was half my size.

"Wow isn't that cool hm?" Enzo grinned   as he looked at my brothers and nodded.

"Can we eat cake now!?" I grinned and jumped up and down.

"I thought you were full just a minute ago?" Enzo questioned with a little chuckle.

"You heard wrong Enzo" I showed him a skeptical smile and walked over to Roman who set the cake onto the counter.

"Alright Nova gets the first piece!" Roman said as he cut the cake and placed the slice onto a plate.

"It's chocolate!" I shouted and cheered.

"Here you go!" Roman said as he handed me the plate.

I stuck my fork into the cake and brought it to my mouth and let me tell you it was amazing!

"It's yummy!" I groaned at the deliciousness.

"I want the biggest slice!" Julius shouted   when Rocco cut him off.

"I want the biggest slice! Don't give this little shit any" Rocco grinned as he snatched the plate from Roman before siting next to me.

"Piece of motherfucking shit." Julius grumbled before Enzo shot him a glare.

"What do you expect Enzo!? She lives in a house with boys" Rocco said as he shrugged.

"That's true but let's avoid what can be avoided" Enzo said as he ate his cake slice.

"That's good as fuck." Enzo mumbled his eyes widening because he mentioned a no no word.

"Is fuck used as a good word or a no no word?" I questioned as they stared at me with wide eyes.

Rocco let out a sigh.

"Novalia Liora Rossi do not use that word!" Roman said.

"That's a no no word Nova" Enzo said as he gave me a little glare.

"It's a good word too" Julius said as he smirked.

"Julius!" Rocco exclaimed and flicked his cheek.

"Oi chico, es mejor que no influyas en tu hermana" Enzo grumbled as he helped me off my chair.

(Hey boy you better not influence your sister.)

It was now bedtime so we walked up the stairs with me holding Enzo's hand.

"Goodnight princess" Enzo whispered as he kissed my forehead.

"Goodnight Enzo!" I smiled and hugged his torso

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