| 44. Peace |

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L O R E N Z O • P O V

The dinner with Elijah went well but now I'm in the kitchen doing the dishes because no one else wanted too.

I couldn't exactly hire any maids because of safety reasons.

No one knew where we were currently only Elijah and his son did.

I placed the last dish into the dishwasher and sighed in relief. I was finally done cleaning.

Everyone was either in the living room or in their rooms I on the other hand had to change my t-shirt since Nova spilled some soup onto it.

I went to my room and decided on taking a shower. The shower was a good 15 minutes.

After I was done getting dressed I went to look for my hairbrush but it was no where in sight.

My only guess was that Nova took it so she could have a brush for her barbies hair.

I let out a little chuckle and went over to Nova's room. The only place my hair brush would be kept was in was her drawers and I was right.

Not only was my hairbrush there but also my cologne.

And a photo of our mother.

In this photo she held the same beautiful smile Nova inherited. My mom was a beautiful woman, her heart just as beautiful too.

What if i didn't go to Rafael's warehouse that day?

Would I have been able to save my mother?

I blame myself everyday for not being able to save her. She saved me from my so called father so many times yet I couldn't repay the favor.

I snapped out of my thoughts and closed the drawer, forgetting about the hairbrush.

I took one deep breath and left her room, the feeling of guilt and sorrow still wavering over me.


"I'll be back soon." I said to julius and Roman as they were sat on the couch watching 'before I fall'.

Rocco had gone somewhere earlier and still wasn't back and Nova was fast asleep next to Julius.

"Be safe Lorenzo." Roman said as I walked out of the front door.

I got into my car and drove to the place my mom now rests.

The cemetery was a place I'd go to when I missed her dearly or just needed to be alone.

Unfortunately I wasn't the only one here.

My car, the one Rocco usually steals was also here. I parked right next to it.

I didn't know Rocco even came to her grave. Let alone is it a shocker to see him here at this moment.

He would always decline the offer when we would usually go as a family.

I made sure to bring along a bouquet of roses.

My mother's favorite flowers.

I got out of the car with the flowers in my hand.

In the distance I could see someone slumped against a headstone which was my mother's.

Clearly the figure was Rocco, I could tell by the tattoos on his arm.

And of course his wavy dark hair.

I'm assuming Rocco had heard my footsteps due to him snapping his head up from the headstone.

His eyes brimmed with redness and unshed tears still drowning.

He's been crying.

Well no shit Lorenzo.

"What are you doing here? Did you fucking follow me?" He snapped and glared at me.

"Yes I fucking followed you, and  I bought you these flowers. Now get up so I can hug you." I said sarcastically.

His eyes quickly softened as he stared at the roses in my hand.

"Do you want a hug or not." I said.

He sighed softly before getting up and walking into my embrace.

"It's going to be okay buddy." I whispered as I hugged him tightly.

"She would've fucking been here if I wasn't so fucking gullible." He choked out.

The Rocco from 5 years ago is totally unrecognizable. Back then whatever Rafael told him to do he did. Maybe that was out of fear?

He still had the attitude believe me but he's way more tough now.

It's been almost 5 years since she passed away, her death was still a wound that still needed healing.

"It's not your fault Rocco, it's never been your fault." I reassured and placed his head onto my shoulder.

"How do I learn to live without having the guilt overcome me. How!" He exclaimed.

"Allow yourself to have peace Rocco, it wasn't your fault nor was it anyone's else's but Rafael's. I killed him, I gave mom a little bit of justice." I muttered as he let go of the hug and looked at me with a glint of sadness tracing his eyes.

"No justice will ever be enough for her, she deserved the world Enzo." He said softly as he looked over to her grave.

"Grief doesn't always have to be sad, let's allow ourselves to live a little, mom wouldn't want us to be sulking." I spoke.

"You're right. Mom didn't leave the world empty handed, she left a gift which I'll always be thankful for and that is Nova." He smiled softly.

It was rare occurrence to see Rocco smile, especially when it was a soft genuine one like this.

"She's my everything, I don't know what I'd do without her." I returned the smile.

"I'll give you some space, get home safe." Rocco said and nodded.

One last look to our mothers grave and just like that he was gone.

I walked closer to her grave and placed the roses down.

"Hi mom. I miss you." I breathed out before continuing.

"I wish you were still with us. Everyone's growing and yet you're not here to witness it. It's Nova's 5th birthday tomorrow and I hate that she's growing up so fast. I wish you were here to celebrate her birthday with us." I whispered as I decorated her headstone with roses.

" I whispered as I decorated her headstone with roses

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Another chapter!!!!!

Sad chapter right?

Has anyone read the book 'no longer human'? My best friend bought it for me but idk what's instore for me haha

Much love to you all<3

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