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J U L I U S • P O V

"Bye Enzo!" Nova calls out to Enzo as he leaves through the door with my brothers following behind him.

He turns around and walks towards us and kisses Nova's cheek and ruffles my hair.

"Bye kiddos I'll see you later yeah?" Enzo said and walked out the door.

I Scoff which makes Enzo turn around and grin.

Right now I was carrying Nova because apparently her barbies were 'sick' and she had to stay up all night looking after them.

"Let's get you back to bed" I said and walked up the stairs to my room.

I placed her onto my bed and placed her pink blanky onto her.

I took a shower before falling asleep with her.

"What do you think of my drawing?" Nova exclaimed as she held her drawing up for me to see.

I looked at her drawing. It honestly looked like unicorns and mermaids threw up on it.

I wanted to be honest but I saw how proud she was of her drawing so I just kept that thought down.

"It's pretty cool" I winked and went to get her a fruit snack in the pantry.

"Julius! Roman's on the phone!" I heard Nova shout and I immediately scrambled out.

Oh crap what did I do?

"What did you tell him this time!?" I exclaimed and motioned to her.

"I swear on my barbies life I didn't say anything!" She said and handed me the phone.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Julius I need you to come down to the hospital Enzo got shot" Roman spoke quickly.

"Shit!- I'll be there right now" I rushed out.

"Bring your sister along don't leave her alone" He said and ended the call.

How the fuck did Enzo get shot? I mean it isn't the first time his gotten shot but it surely won't be his last time.

"What happened juli?" Nova's tiny voice brought me out of my chaotic thoughts.

"Nothing happened baby. Enzo just got hurt" I partly lied to her.

We hadn't told her about the underground life yet and we don't plan on doing that soon.

"He got hurt?" She spoke and her tiny lips started wobbling.

"Come here princess" I opened my arms and she immediately hugged me.

"He's going to fine okay? He's our superhero right?" I told her softly and caressed her little bangs out of her face.

"Okay" She sniffled and hid her face in my neck.

I quickly ran outside into the driveway and got into Enzo's car.

My car was still in the garage and I was in a hurry.

I buckled her into the car-seat and drove down to the hospital Enzo owns.

"Don't be sad princess" I told Nova softly as we walked to Enzo's ward.

"I'm not sad" she huffed her voice still wavering.

We walk until we get to ward 56 room 1

"I think this is his ward" I told her and opened the door.

And it was his ward.

Roman and Rocco was slumped on the couch with both of them having bandages either on their hand or leg.

And Enzo on the other hand had a big plaster just below his shoulder with a iv drip in his arm.

A tiny gasp from Nova was enough for them to wake up.

"Enzo" Nova said her voice being way to soft for our liking.

She stood there looking at him for a good few seconds before letting out a loud sob.

"Don't cry baby. See I'm all good" Enzo tried to reassure her but she kept sobbing and immediately ran to him.

He lifted he onto the bed and she immediately hugged his side.

"You know I hate it when you cry" Enzo said as she still hugged him tightly but carefully.

"Enzo did I hurt you?" Nova asked as she cuddled into his arm.

"No baby" he whispered and kissed her head.

I walked over to his bed and sat on it.

"How are you feeling Enzo?" I asked as I got comfortable on his bed.

"Esta mierda duele pero sobreviviré" He said in Spanish so Nova wouldn't understand.

(This shit hurts but I'll survive)

I let out a laugh before stopping myself.

I look over to Roman and Rocco to find them fast asleep once again.

I turn to Nova to see her also asleep.

"Come on. You can sleep here." Enzo patted the space next to him.

I layed my head on his pillow and immediately fell asleep.

L O R E N Z O • P O V

I'm not even going to utter a lie but this shit hurts but it is what it is.

My whole family is asleep right now.

Rocco and Roman are both huddled up on the couch.

Nova and Julius are asleep on either side of me.

Just as I lay my head back the nurse comes in.

"Sir your kids aren't supposed to sleep on your bed." She says as she inserts a new drip.

"My kids are quite comfortable where they are." I snapped at her and she immediately shut up.

I don't need anyone telling me what is right or wrong for Nova and Julius.

They're technically my kids.

I've raised them both and I've never needed anyone's help besides my brothers.

We did it all alone and can continue to do.

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