| 24. Falling to pieces |

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N O V A L I A • P O V

Enzo, Roman and Rocco hasn't returned yet.

It's been 8 hours, it's already past midnight.

"Come on princess get some sleep." Julius muttered as he stroked my hair.

"No Julius I'm not sleepy." I smiled and scooched closer to him.

"I know you're waiting on Enzo. They might be all night out." Julius spoke and flicked the blonde strands of hair off his hoodie.

I was hitting Julius with my barbie and accidentally ripped some of her hair out.

"I love you so much you know?" Julius smiled at me.

His eyes sparkled with a special glisten only my dad and brothers had.

Their smiles alone provided me with comfort and makes me feel like a princess.

I've never seen them smile to anyone other than me.

"I know Julius I know. But I love you sooooo much more. Even more than this almost bald barbie." I grinned and made sure to drag my words out.

He burst out in laughs and ruffled my hair.

"I'm not trying to be like barbie over here." I huffed and smoothed my hair out.

"I'll be right back." I grinned and ran to the pantry.

"Where are you going!" Julius shouted.

"Don't worry about that Jules!" I shouted back and grabbed his favorite castored sugar donuts.

The donuts that's covered in some sweet powder?

I ran back to the living room shoving all the donuts into my mouth.

"You little sh-!" He shouted but got cut off by his phone ringing.

I laughed out loud and stuck my tongue out at him.

"Hello? Enzo? Is everything okay?" Julius asked with a frown.

His expression changed from a frown into a terrified one.

"No no no." Julius kept repeating and aggressively tugged at his hair, throwing the phone to his side.

He brought his knees to his chest and his hands began to shake.

"Julius!?" I exclaimed and patted his shoulder lightly.

"Nova!" I could hear Enzo's voice from the phone.

"What Enzo?" I huffed and kept rubbing Julius arm.

"I need-"

"Enzo I'm the doctor here." I rolled my eyes and put the phone off.

"Hey? It's okay. See I'm here." I smiled and patted his hair.

"Even my barbie is here too. I think you just need a big hug!" I grinned and hugged his frame tightly.

"And I thought I was the baby of this family." I shook my head and continued hugging him.

After a few seconds of hugging him, he finally wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head multiple times.

"I'm not a baby." Julius huffed and wiped his nose.

"You are." I narrowed my eyes at him.

"I just know that arguing with you gets me no where. " Julius shook his head and picked me up from the couch walking to the hallway.

He grabbed one of my brothers car keys and opened the front door.

"Wait where are we going?" I asked in confusion.

"Rocco got hurt." Julius muttered, strapping me into my car-seat.

I gasped at all the things that could have happened to him.

What if barbie finally ran him over?

What if Ken got jealous of him and decided to have a fist fight with him.

"Is it bad bad? Or just bad?" I asked.

"I'm not too sure princess." He spoke and drove out of the driveway.

J U L I U S • P O V

'Rocco got shot and it's not looking good .'

My heart stopped.

It stopped at the thought of me losing my brother.

The same way I lost my mother.

I didn't say goodbye to her.

I didn't say goodbye to him either.

My mother was also shot and she died from it.

He's a strong person he'll fight through this.

Just like he always does.

I didn't even know if I should have told Nova about what happened.

We all know how hysterical she was over Enzo getting shot. How would she react to this.

Rocco was her everything. Her coconut. Her punching bag.

No matter what bad she did Rocco would always take her side.

Whenever she had a disagreement with Enzo she would run to him, knowing that he'll always have her back.

She's the only one that helps Rocco with his temper.

Talking about her she's passed out in her seat, probably dreaming about her Barbies.

This girl and her Barbies.

I turned my head to the back checking if she was okay.

"Poor baby. You're exhausted." I mumbled as I parked into the parking lot of the hospital.

I got out quickly and picked her up from her carseat.

I ran inside the hospital asking the receptionist for Rocco's ward.

"Sorry there isn't a person called Rocco with the last name Rossi." She spoke.

"What!" I exclaimed.

He's either dead or whatever. He's dead isn't he.

"Julius!" Enzo's voice was heard calling out to me.

I shifted my gaze to where the sound came from and there Enzo appeared walking towards us.

"Come on." Enzo muttered and took Nova into his arms, walking towards the lobby.

"Is he alive?" I asked.

"He must be." Enzo shrugged and continued.

"He's been in there for almost 8 hours, you can't tell me that it takes 8 hours for them to tell us that he died." Enzo snarled and walked into the direction of Roman.

"She's asleep?" Roman whispered to which Enzo nodded.

He sat down onto the chair, kissing Nova's head multiple times.

"Family of Freddy Paul?!" The doctor came out of the ward with his note pad along.

"That's us." Enzo said and stood up.

I furrowed my eyes in confusion.

"How is he?" Enzo asked and adjusted Nova.

"He flatlined 4 times during this surgery. The bullet was a few centimeters away from hitting his heart and lucky enough it didn't hit the heart valves. He is stable but still very weak." The doctor spoke.

"Will we be able to see him?" Enzo muttered.

"I would like to talk about that in private with you Sir." The doctor nodded at Enzo.

Enzo handed Nova to Roman and walked with the doctor to his office.

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