| 19. Grief|

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L O R E N Z O • P O V

"Is it good?" I smiled and chuckled at Nova as she ate her donuts.

Her face was smeared with chocolate icing but that didn't bother her, she still continued to eat her donuts.

"Mhm!" She hummed with her mouth full.

I smiled at her softly and wiped her mouth.

"Enzo?" Nova questioned and wiped her hands with a napkin.

"Yes baby?" I smiled and nodded for her to continue.

"I know our dad was a bad person but how are you not angry with him?" She questioned as she squinted her eyes at me.

And no she doesn't have any eye problems I've got it checked out everything's good but turns out Rocco has the squinting eye thing too.

Back to her question.

I sat their frozen to my seat thinking of where all this came from.

"He was a bad person." I nodded and continued.
"I am angry with him but I've learnt to let go of the people that let go of me. You will never recover mentally if you hold on to something that was just an illusion." I spoke softly to her.

"I don't like him." Nova said casually and shrugged.

"Yeah me too. We can be twins?" I grinned with a sloppy smile.

"I thought you would never ask!" She giggled and climbed into my arms giving me a hug.

"Princess we need to go home now. I've got to take Julius to his soccer practice." I said and stood up with her still being in my arms.

I left a tip on the table and walked out of the Cafe.


"I need to tell you something so just wait for me in the car okay?" I told Julius as I rushed upstairs to say bye to Nova.

"Bye mi amor. I'm heading out okay?" I said as I kissed her forehead and ruffled her hair.

"Yes now go do your business! I need to get my nails done." She ushered me out and showed me her nails that were pink.

Roman bought her nail polish that was barbie colored and themed so she's been obsessed ever since.

I gave her a frown and left the room with laughs escaping my lips.

She's only 4 and is already acting like a teenager. We've got to prepare for her teenage years already.

I got into the car as Julius was already present it it.

"What did you want to say Enzo?" Julius questioned as he placed his phone back into his pocket.

I took one long breath before speaking.

"Hate me for as much long as you want but I just couldn't tell you." I breathed out as I looked at him.

"Tell me what?" He frowned.

I didn't tell him that I had our father in one of my warehouses.

I didn't want to see that side of him again. I didn't want him to go through the times he managed to overcome.

Even if he does fall back into that, we would always be there for him no matter what.

He was just 12 years old when our mother died, he was the one that found her limp body in our parents bedroom.

Roman, Rocco and I were all over the age of 13 so we were forced by our father to train and become people our mother didn't want us to be.

"Rafael is back- I mean he's out of prison. He finished his sentence so I brought him back here. He's right now in warehouse 104." I spoke as I looked over to him and saw his eyes widening in shock.

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