| 22. Around me |

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J U L I U S • P O V

Was I okay? No but will i be soon? Let's hope so.

All it took was just to see that fuckers face and everything caved in.

It caved in the way I didn't want it to.

I wasn't the only one that lost a mother but that doesn't mean I'm not allowed to grieve.

I haven't even thanked Enzo. He's always been there for everyone of us but never had he been there for himself.

He's always putting others before himself.

Seeing that Nova was fast asleep I decided to quietly get out of my bed and walk to Enzo's room.

His bedroom door was ajar so I just budged inside.

"Enzo." I muttered as his back was faced to me.

He was sat in his desk with his hands in his head.

"Is everything alright Julius?" He asked worriedly as he turned around.

"I'm okay." I breathed out and walked nearer to him.

"I just wanted to thank you for earlier." I gave him a small smile.

"You don't need to thank me Julius. As your dad I should always be there when you need me." He smiled and opened his arms motioning for a hug.

I immediately returned the hug and rested my head on his shoulders just inhaling his calm scent.

Our father hasn't been present in our lives for years I don't even remember him having a normal conversation with me.

When ever I look back I always see Enzo.

Enzo was there for my first soccer game.

He drove me to my soccer practices.

He did the things Rafael didn't and I could never repay him for that.

"Hey? Don't overthink it okay?" Enzo said with a soft smile.

"I won't." I chuckled and gave him once last hug before making my way back to my room.

"Give me some space Enzo." Nova groaned and took half of my bed to herself.

"I'm not even Enzo." I huffed and got under the sheets next to Nova.

Laying on the little spot that Nova hadn't taken over.

"Wake up" Nova exclaimed as she sat on my back.

"Let me sleep you little shit." I groaned and moved my body making her fall off my back.

"Get up gilipollas." She pulled my hair.

"How do you know that word." I immediately got up and pulled her into my arms, narrowing my eyes at her.

She gave me that look that said mischief.

"I might have learn't it by Rocco." She giggled as I hugged her close to me and began tickling her.

"Say sorry for calling me a shit head." I grinned as I was still tickling her.

"First let me go!" She spoke between her laughs.

"Okay fine." I huffed playfully and placed her down.

She climbed down from my bed and stood there with a smirk.

"I'm sorry." She laughed. "Not" she quickly shouted and ran out of my bedroom door which was wide open.

"Come back here you gilipollas!" I shouted and almost fell trying to get out of my bed.

"Enzo! Enzo! Save me!" I could hear Nova shout from Enzo's room.

"I've got you now you little shit." I grinned and ran into Enzo's room.

Enzo was still laying in bed watching TV when i came inside but Nova was nowhere in sight.

Well I know she was under the blankets next to Enzo but I just played along.

"Where is she Enzo?" I questioned with a grin.

"I think she went to Rocco's room." He shrugged with a laugh.

"Okay thanks." I thanked him and closed his door making Nova think that I left.

"Thank God." She huffed and come from under Enzo's blankets.

"There you are!" I shouted and ran over to them jumping across Enzo and wrapping my arms around Nova giving her tons of kisses.

"I know you love me Julius but that's enough!" She giggled and tried to move my face away.

Instead I just wrapped my arms tighter around her so she couldn't move.

"What's with all the noise." Enzo's door gets shoved open by Rocco causing me to accidentally let Nova escape from my arms.

"Coconut! Help me!" She laughed and jumped into Rocco's arms.

"Are they troubling you?" Rocco asked her and glared at Enzo and I but his glare immediately disappeared.

I looked at Enzo to see him glaring at Rocco.

"My bad Mr Rossi." Rocco grinned and walked out the room with Nova leaving Enzo and I.

"I think I wanna go see mom." I said and fiddled with my t-shirt.

"Just be safe okay?" Enzo smiled and ruffled my hair.

I smiled softly in return. Nobody could ever replace Enzo. He didn't even question me about wanting to see mom instead he just wanted me to be safe.

He knows how much I really need it.

"You know whenever I needed to just get away I always went to mom. I told her everything I needed and it was the best thing I could've done. She's my venting buddy" He said and looked at the painting of our mother with a small smile.

"As much as i love mom but I've already found my venting person." I smiled and waited for him to get the catch.

He knows I've never spoken to anyone besides him.

"And that's me?" He questioned with his eyes softening.

"Mhm" I hummed and couldn't stop smiling.

"Come here." He let out a chuckle before inviting me into a comforting hug.

A hug that I didnt need from anyone else.

"Mom would've been so proud of you Enzo. Even though you lost mom, it didn't stop you from being there for us."

"You think so?" He questioned softly.

"I don't think so I know so." I grinned and punched his shoulder before running out of his room.

" I grinned and punched his shoulder before running out of his room

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Hi everyone!
Hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

This chapter will be edited soon《---

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