| 16. Prison |

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L O R E N Z O • P O V

Today's the day that the bastard we call our father gets released from prison.

I've made sure to keep him out of the place we call home or the country in which we know as home.

I've kept him in one of the most secured prisons here in New Zealand.

I don't want to have him near my family or anything near us.

If it wasn't for my mother I would have tortured him or have done unimaginable stuff to him with the power my family holds.

He would have never gone to jail in the first place , he would of gone straight to my warehouse.

Our mother sacrificed alot for us and I would never turn my back on her words.

She never wanted us to be involved with the things that are part of our now daily life. She wanted us to live a normal life but unfortunately we had to face what she didn't want.

I try and keep Nova out of this, I understand my mothers thoughts now that I am in a similar position to where she was 5 years ago.

She hid Nova and Julius away from the public scared shitless for their safety.

Rocco was too much the 'don't tell me what to do' person so we couldn't really protect him from something he's well aware of.

Roman on the other hand was very much old enough to know what's going on but so was Rocco.

"Lorenzo?" Rocco shrugged my arm taking me out of my thoughts.

"As I was saying sir , your father- I mean Mr Rossi will be released any time soon." The prison guard spoke

"We know that." Rocco snickered and rolled his eyes.

"Rocco" I said and he shot me a glare.

"Let's just get out of here!" He huffed and walked to the car as I stood and waited for the bastard to get released.

"¡Lorenzo! ¡Nova y Julius están a tu disposición! " Rocco shouted as he ran towards me with my phone in his hand.

(Lorenzo! Nova and Julius are on the call for you!)

"Run faster you shit head." I grinned as I was excited to speak to them.

He handed me the phone and as soon as I was about to talk with them, our father Rafael walked out of the prison was my guards holding his arms tightly.

"I'll call you later." I said and hung up the phone.

"My son! You have grown so much." His eyes widened at the sight of me.

"Cut the fucking bullshit Rafael. Get him in the fucking car before I kill all three of you right here." I glared at him and stormed right off to my car not noticing that Rocco was already in it.

"Woah there! You better not take your anger out on my future car's door." Rocco smiled sarcastically as he rolled his eyes.

"Lo mejor que puedes hacer ahora es mantener la boca cerrada." I huffed and put on my seatbelt 'calmly'.

(The best thing you could ever do right now is to keep your mouth fucking shut)

"Lorenzo the seatbelt didn't do anything to you okay?" Rocco winked and grinned.

"Hurry up and get in." I heard our guard snickered at Rafael.

"Relax! I'm getting in!" He exclaimed and huffed once he got in.

I could see Rocco visibly tense at the voice of our sperm donor.

"Rocco my son! How are you?" Rafael grinned as he spoke.

What the fuck is he even grinning about?

"First of all I'm not your fucking son and don't you dare talk to me with a fucking smile on your face." Rocco looked red in the face from all the anger be tried to hide.

When Rocco's angry we all know he's ready to fucking pounce on you.

"Knock him out." I said to Rocco and handed him my gun.

He took it and gave him one hell of a smack against his head.

"I didn't say kill him." I glared and snatched my gun right back.

"Me gusta cuando hablas cualquier cosa menos inglés porque no quiero escucharte ahora mismo." He huffed and rolled his eyes.

( I like it when you speak anything but English because I don't want to listen and understand you right now.)

"Shut up." I snorted and drove to our warehouse.


"Do you want us to fly over?" Roman asked over the phone as I heard him sigh.

"No we're handling everything perfectly fine." I spoke and sat down onto the couch.

"Are you sure everything isn't too much for you? We're here to help too you know?"

"Everything is okay , I just want to talk to Nova that's all." I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Um about that." He chuckled nervously.

"What happened? Is she okay?" I asked quickly as i began to worry that something had happened to her.

"No! She's just angry and sad because she thought you didn't want to talk to her." Roman grumbled.

"Oh no." I groaned and ran my hands through my hair.

"Yeah you better cheer her up Lorenzo, do you know how much attitude we have to deal with? Here I thought we got rid of you for a few days." He sighed with a laugh.

"Leave me and my daughter alone Roman." I laughed and heard Nova shouting in the background because her barbie show was being interrupted by Roman blocking her view.

"Give her the phone Roman." I said and kept the phone to my ear.

"I don't want to speak roro! I just want to eat my candy and watch my show in peace!" I heard Nova scold at Roman for interrupting her.

"Nova?" I questioned as a smile appeared onto my face.

I heard her gasp and I think she actually snatched the phone out of Roman's hands.

"Enzo!?" She exclaimed in excitement totally forgetting to be angry with me.

I quickly switched the call to a FaceTime.

"Hi baby." I smiled with a small laugh.

"Why didn't you tell me it was Enzo! I thought it was Julius!" She huffed at Roman.

"Where's Julius?" I questioned as I rubbed my eyes that were beginning to itch.

"He went to go get me some Starbucks." Nova grinned but suddenly it changed into a frown.

"What happened baby?" I asked and sat up.

"I was supposed to be angry at you!" She huffed and threw her head back.

"I was just in the middle of something, it won't happen again." I told her and her face lit up with a smile.

"It's okay Enzo, I know that you're very busy." She smiled and let out a yawn.

"Roman let Nova take a nap okay? I'll be there soon." I said and we greeted goodbyes to eachother.


"Could I get a bouquet of those roses please?" I questioned as the old lady handed me the bouquet.

I payed her double the amount of what the roses actually cost because surely she'd need it more than I ever would.

"Thank you son! May I ask who they're for?" She thanked me and offered a smile.

"They're for my daughter." I replied and returned the smile and walked with Rocco over to our boarding gates.

We were flying with a private jet so we should arrive much earlier.

"I swear to God if one more person bumps into me I'm going to fuck them up!" Rocco snorted and had a annoyed look on his face for the rest of our flight.

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