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Gehenna is a district that is somehow disconnected from Kivotos. On one side it has the sea and on the other side a wide and deep river that limits its borders with the districts of Trinity, Millenium, Abydos and Utnapishtim. So that the students of Gehenna can move through Kivotos as they wish, there are 5 bridges, the most important being the one that connects to Utnapishtim. The other bridges by Makoto's orders were blocked and partially destroyed. Leaving her enemies with no other route to attack than the already known one. Although a frontal attack was the only viable option and finding Sensei'' was urgent, for the sake of their schoolmates and to avoid falling into the game of impostors, Rio and Nagisa would not allow a war to be the conclusion of everything. At that moment students were infiltrating the district while Makoto was arguing with Nagisa and Rio in front of all of Kivotos. The presidents of Millenium and Trinity had decided to bet on getting Sensei back in secret. It was a gamble that could end in a real war, but better than going straight into a battle where there would probably be no winner.

South of Gehenna, coming out of the river, Neru and her team radioed Yuuka and Noa that they were inside enemy territory. To the northeast, the Foreclosure Task Force was doing the same. On the northwest coast of Gehenna, the Make-up work club confirmed their entry.

''Hopefully we can make it to the academy without having to fight.'' Neru sighed.

''You knew that saying that kind of thing is bad luck.'' Said Akane.

''Don't you want to fight?'' Asuna asked, "It's weird that you don't want to destroy everything.

''Shut up! I just don't feel up to it.''

''She's been feeling that way since the rumors started that Sensei would propose to someone.'' Karin pointed out.

''Sh-shut up! It's not true!''

''Hahaha, I'm sure Master will be happy to see you.''

''That's not what's keeping me down! I've only been feeling tired lately...!''

A gunshot at the feet of the Cleaning & Clearing club stopped the conversation. The girls immediately scattered leaving Double Zero alone in the middle of the street. Neru, unfazed by the gunshot, looked up. On the rooftop of a building she saw three figures.

''They already fled. All we had to do was report that there were intruders.''

''Haha, leave her alone. You know thinking is not her specialty.''

''It's not my specialty?!'' Said the club president surprised by the words of her friend and fellow club member, ''cof... cof... cof... I mean... A fearless outlaw like me has to make big entrances before crushing her enemies.

''And thanks to that now the work will be fourfold.''

''Hey, are you planning on taking me on or are you just going to stand there and talk? I've got bigger fish to fry.''

''Don't try to play tough.'' Said Mutsuki with a playful grin, "With just a simple....

With a single shot, the radio in the little imp's hand was blown into tiny pieces.

''Great,now we have no choice but to stop them...'' Kayoko sighs.

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