Episode 9

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After devan and Nessa did a video on their channel...they are happy with everything that is turned out.....

Few months later nessa had a surprise for Devan... and Devan is talking with Collins and John and Aaron and Roni....

Nessa:... Devan...


Nessa:..... I have a surprise for you and you always wanted one...

Devan:... okay what is it....

Nessa:....(gave it to him)..

Devan:... wait is this a test...

Nessa:... yeah...

Devan:..we having a baby...

Nessa:... yeah.....

Collins:...wow...so I'm gonna be an uncle...

Roni:.. I'm gonna be an aunt...

Nessa:... yeah...

John:...wow I'm so happy for you guys..

Aaron:... yeah I'm so happy for you guys..

Devan:.. thanks...

Nessa:.. everyone knows like your parents and my parents know...

Devan:.. okay....... like I'm gonna be a father

Few weeks later.... Devan and Nessa decided to do a video on their channel....

Devan:.. hey guys it's devan key and today I'm here with my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:... hey guys...

Devan:.. if you guys saw by the title we're pregnant...

Nessa:... yeah we're having a baby....

Devan:... yeah I can't believe I'm gonna be a dad....

Nessa:.. like I didn't know I was pregnant....on the night it was Valentine's day.... and then on the 19th of February I took a test and it came back positive....

Devan:.. yeah I wasn't there when she took the test and when she showed me the test on the on 5th of March I was just happy....

Nessa:... yeah I pronounce my pregnancy on the merrell twins channel with roni so go check out...

Devan:... yeah I can't believe it we're gonna be parents....

Nessa:.... yeah like you guys like on Valentine's Day in February we knew what we were doing that night....

Devan: yeah we made love and then before nessa found out we're pregnant on March 3rd we were supposedly dropped a video on our channel but nessa wasn't feeling well...

Nessa:... yeah I wasn't....

Devan: so we didn't do video on the 3rd......of March...so on the 4th of March....on the merrell twins channel roni wanted me to do video and it's still on the merrell twins channel.... I didn't know what to titled it because it was just me taking care of nessa so we titled it Vanessa is nauseous *morning sickness*.

Nessa:... but really it was morning sickness.....

Devan:.. yeah it really was.... but after we recorded nessa was still feeling nauseous and so I took care of nessa and the next day which was the 5th nessa was still feeling sick.....so... I was thinking what is going on....so later that day I went to go get Collins and John and Aaron and roni... and then once I came back with Collins and John and Aaron and Roni that's when you surprise me with the test.....

Nessa:... yeah oh and Alex and Andrew know that I'm pregnant and they are happy......

Devan:.. yeah....

Nessa:..so I took the test when you got Collins and John and Aaron and Roni.... and it came back positive...

Devan:.. yeah I was happy that we're having a baby and starting a new chapter in our lives it's gonna be amazing...

Nessa:.... yeah I'm excited..

Devan:...me too if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys..

Nessa:... bye guys...

Devan:..(ended the video)......

Few weeks later devan and Nessa have the gender envelope and Collins and John and Aaron and Roni and alex and Andrew and Collins and Devan's parents are happy and Roni's and Nessa parents are happy......and the gender reveal is on Devan's and Nessa's channel.....

Devan:...hey guys it's devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa..

Nessa:..hey guys...

Devan:.. today is a special day we're gonna be finding out our baby's gender and I'm really hoping it's a boy...

Nessa:.. yeah I think so too but we're still gonna love our baby if it's a boy or girl...

Devan:.. yeah......

Few hours later at the gender reveal party....

Roni:...hey guys I'm Veronica and I'm wearing pink and blue on because I'm team boy and team girl but I really want Devan and Nessa to have a baby girl because me and nessa we're sisters and twins I love to see my niece but I'm both teams....

Aaron:.. yeah I'm both teams but I'm team girl...

Few hours later....

Collins:...hey guys.... it's Collins key and I'm team boy because I do want a nephew to carry on my little brother's life....

Few hours later...

Mr key:....hey guys it's Devan's and Collins dad and I'm team boy...

Mrs key: I'm team girl....

Few hours later....

Paul:...hey guys it's nessa and roni's dad and I'm team girl...

Mrs Merrell:...hey guys I'm team girl..

Few hours later...

Alex:...hey guys it's Alex Wassabi Aaron's brother and I'm team boy for Nessa and Devan's baby....

Andrew:.. I'm Andrew and I'm team boy...

Few hours later...

John:.. I'm John Vaughn and I'm team boy.....

Few hours later at the gender reveal party..... and the guys are still recording the big special day....

Devan:... okay are you ready..

Nessa:.. yeah.....





Mrs Merrell:...6...

Mr key:...5.....




Mrs key:...1....

Devan:..(pop it out and it's blue 💙)...

Nessa:...(pop it out and it's blue 💙)..

Devan:..omg..... it's a boy......


Devan:..(went to her and hug her)..

Nessa:...(hugging him back)....

Roni:...(recording them to put on merrell twins channel)...

Few hours later at the gender reveal... and The guys are still recording...

Photographer:...(taking pictures of Devan and Nessa)..

Devan:...(smiling at the camera 📸)..

Nessa:..(smiling at camera 📸).....

Few hours later at the gender reveal party everyone else is having a good time.... and the guys stop recording.....

The next part is coming up soon ❤️.

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now