Episode 57

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After Devan surprised everyone with his new haircut everyone loves it....

Few days later Devan decided to do a video on their channel........

Devan:..hey guys.. it's Devan key and today I'm gonna surprise nessa with something that is gonna blow her mind as you guys know we have a dog named Davey and nessa has been telling me to get her another dog right now our dog davey is 2 years old right now but this dog that I'm getting for nessa it's another boy and he's a different breed then davey so let's get into this video.....

Few hours later Devan has the dog and he's still recording......

Devan:.. alright you guys the kids are still in school and nessa is coming home cuz she did a video with Roni on their merrell twins channel....so...oh she's coming.....(set up the camera in the camera)......

Nessa:..hey dev....(saw him with something behind his back)...

Devan:..hey nessa....

Nessa:... what's going on what's behind your back....

Devan:.. well this is not a prank.... look at the camera...

Nessa:..so you're surprising ne with something....

Devan:.... yeah you do know that we have davey right our dog our son....

Nessa:.. yeah.... wait I think I know what it is....

Devan:... yeah you been wanting another dog so...... surprise....(holding the dog)...

Nessa:...no really.....it's another boy... .

Devan:...yeah we already have a name......

Nessa:...yeah.....we do....(went to grabbed him)..

Devan:..so we have a name for our new puppy.....his name is............

Nessa:...his name is...... Lego.....

Devan:... yeah Lego....we have Lego and Davey..........(holding the camera)...

Nessa:......thank you devan.....

Devan:...no problem.....so we have two puppies....

Nessa:.. how old is he....

Devan:.. he's 2 months old......

Nessa:..wow...we have to buy the stuff for him like a collar and a name tag for his collar and he needs a dog leash and a dog bowl and a doggy bed...

Devan:..oh I have that taken care of it's in our bedroom and he's potty trained and everything.......

Nessa:... alright well let's enjoy him and Davey.....

Devan:.. alright if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels bye you guys....

Nessa:.. bye guys...

Devan:..(ended the video).....

Few weeks later Devan decided to do a video on his channel.....

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan key and lately every one of you guys has been commenting on me and Collins and me and Collins are not talking right now cuz it's just brotherly moments and we need some time away from each other so it's gonna take some time.....so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to my channel...bye guys (ended the video)...

Few days later.....Devan and Nessa decided to do a video......on their channel....

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa....

Nessa:..hey guys....

Devan:... today as you guys see by the title why don't we show our kids on the channel that much..... the reason why we don't show the kids on the channel is because we want them to have a normal life as kids...so that's why we don't show them that often.....

Nessa:...yeah... but we want to put them in videos but since that stalker is back I don't want our kids at risk so that's why we don't show them in videos but they are okay like they are doing amazing Draven is 2 years old and he's walking around and crawling around...

Devan:... yeah the boys are literally Daddy's boy's.....

Nessa:.. c'mon dev the kids are mostly Mommy's boys even our daughter is Mommy's girl.....(smiling at him)...

Devan:... well Davian was a momma boy but then he went me..... and it's hard when he's not here anymore but then dream is a daddy's boy ever since... Drayson is both momma and daddy's boy and Nailah is both momma and daddy's girl.....

Nessa:.. whatever you say..... but yeah you guys our kids are amazing and we're blessed......

Devan:... yeah if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channels bye you guys....

Nessa:..bye you guys....(ended the video)..

Few weeks later.....Collins has been having some stomach pains for weeks and he decided on go to the hospital and the doctor said he experiencing gastroenteritis and he couldn't believe it carla couldn't believe it either Collins dropped a video about his experience of his mental health....then he told his and Devan's parents but then Roni and Aaron and John found out over the video and then Devan and Nessa found out and they decided to do a video on their channel..........

Devan:...hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:..hey guys...

Devan:..so as you guys see by the title Collins drop a video couple days ago and he said that he's sick and he said that he has the same thing that Davian our son had when he's was here..... gastroenteritis....

Nessa:... yeah and when we saw the video I started to cry cuz I looked up to Collins as a brother not just a friend....

Devan:... yeah as you guys know I haven't talked to him I blocked on messages and calls cuz I didn't want to deal with the drama that he created so when I saw his video I immediately texted him that I'm gonna come over and he hasn't responded...so I'm take the camera and go to his house and talked to him on what's going on...... are you gonna be okay...

Nessa:.... yeah... I think it's best you should go talk to him....

Devan:.... okay I'll let you know when I get there....(left with the camera recording)...

Few hours later at Collins house Devan is still recording....

Devan:.. okay you guys I'm here at Collins house and I'm gonna talked to him about this cuz I don't know if this is true so I'm gonna go up to his door..... let's go....(take the camera with him)..

Few hours later at Collins house Devan knocking on the door but no responses and he keeps knocking but no responses...... Devan went back into the car and still recording....

Devan:..so guys he's not answering the door so I'm gonna ended the video cuz I'm done I'm gonna keep knocking on the door off camera....so..... yeah guys....(ended the video)...

The next part is coming up soon ❤️.

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now