Episode 36

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After Devan and Nessa post about talking about davi they had mix of emotions about it......

Few days later Devan and Nessa decided to do a video on their channel....

Devan:...hey guys it's devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:....hey guys...

Devan:... today if you see by the title we're have a new intro for our channel.... and no we're not pregnant cuz we done right...

Nessa:...yeah we're done having kids but we have new intro we shot this few days ago and the kids are in it and we shot it downtown LA and it's really special....

Devan:....yeah so we hope you guys love it cuz we worked so hard on it........ and we did music to it.... and we did shoot this intro in the evening to night time...

Nessa:..yeah..so we hope you guys enjoy it...

Devan:...yeah....and here it is.......

....... intro started in the video..........

Devan:....(holding nessa's hand and smiling at her)....

Nessa:...(smiling at him)...

Devan:....(kissed her)...

Nessa:...(kissed him back)....

.......in the intro devan and nessa walking with the kids......

Intro:....(say Devan's name).....


Intro:....(say Nessa's name)...


Intro:...(says dream's name)...

Devan:...(holding dream and he's smiling)..

Intro:...(says Drayson name)...

Nessa:..(sitting right next to Drayson and he's smiling)...

Intro:....(says Nailah name)...

Devan:.. (holding her and she's smiling)...

Intro:....(says Draven name)..

Devan:...(holding him and he's smiling)...

Intro:....(Devan and Nessa show holding a picture of davi and it's says Davi name)....

Devan:....(smiling at her)..

Nessa:....(smiling at him)..

Devan:...(kissed her)..

Nessa:...(kissed him back)...

............intro shows Devan and Nessa and the kids are looking in the sky to make sure that davi is doing good up there.... and after that their show drone in the sky....

Devan:...(smiling and holding Draven)...

Nessa:...(smiling at him)....

Dream:...(smiling at his parents)...

Drayson:...(smiling at them too)...

Nailah:...(smiling at them too)....

Devan:...(kissed her again)..

Nessa:...(kissed him back again)...

.....intro shows the sky and the drones spell out Key Family.....

Intro:......(ended the video)......

The next part is coming up soon ❤️....

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now