Episode 29

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After Devan went to the hospital cuz a brain tumor the doctor got some out but devan got treatment for it and Devan and Nessa and Collins and Roni went back home.....

Few days later devan and nessa decided to do a video on their channel....

Devan:... hey guys it's devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:...hey guys.... today is just gonna be us telling you guys about what happened to Devan some of you guys were saying on Instagram like my DMs say what happened to devan why is he in the hospital.... cuz I posted some pictures of him and me in the hospital....so the reason why he was in the hospital and why he has the Band-Aid is wrapped around his head is because in the middle of the night we're both asleep..... and then he started to have a seizure and I started to panic but I texted Roni and Aaron and Collins to come over so I can go with Devan to the hospital cuz our kids are sleeping and Aaron decides to stay and watch the kids so Collins and Roni went with me... and we made it to the hospital and the doctor said that he has a brain tumor and it look swell and they had to remove some of it without hurting his brain and they did get some of it out and now he has treatment that he has to take.....

Devan:.. yeah and it's not fun but I have to take it to order to survive.... and like it's suck like we lost davi and now I feel I'm gonna go too...

Nessa:...no your not..... I'm gonna help you through it.....

Devan:.... but don't worry you guys I'm gonna relax and get some rest and we might not post for a while cuz I want to recover from this so we can go back to do videos....

Nessa:... yeah I have to agree..... but I'll still be doing videos but with roni on our merrell twins channel and our merrell twins live channel....

Devan:... yeah but if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys...

Nessa:... bye you guys.....(ended the video)...

Few weeks later..... before Collins and Carlas due date...... Nessa and Roni decided to do a live stream on this live channel....

Roni:...hey guys it's been awhile since we posted on this channel.....

Nessa:... yeah it's been awhile.... but I'm Vanessa....

Roni:.... I'm Veronica.... and today we're just gonna be just chatting...

Nessa:...yeah just chatting...for today....

Roni:... this question says hi to paul......

Paul:...hi.....(behind the camera)...

Roni:...he said hi......

Nessa:... this question says nessa are you and devan trying for another baby since davi passed......

Roni:... that's a good question....

Nessa:... yeah it is um we been talking about it but not soon... maybe in a couple years......but right now we have dream and Drayson and Nailah.... and dream is 5 years old cuz davi is now 7 even though he's not here anymore and the twins are 1 years old..

Roni:...wow......this question is roni how does it feel to have a baby boy.... it's feels amazing....and Aaron is happy too and we have a name and middle name but we can't say....until he's here....

Nessa:... yeah I can't wait.... alright this question says nessa how is devan doing since the experience that he had.....um he's okay he's been resting and he's been taking his treatment....and he been getting enough sleep lately and he's been taking care of himself and I'm been helping him as his wife and the mother of his babies....

Roni:... this question is roni when is your due date don't answered it if you don't want too.....um.... the due date is January.... yeah it's January I'm not gonna say the date.... but we're still in October still it's the 26th..... and Collins and Carla baby boy is coming soon...

Nessa:... yeah and they did share the due date and the date which is the 28th October..... and the 28th of October is me and Devan's anniversary of us getting married....

Roni:..yeah...and I can't wait for that too..

Nessa:... yeah this question says nessa are you and devan taking a family trip soon.....

Roni:... like a vacation....

Nessa:....yeah...and the answer is yes we want too..... with the kids... and devan doesn't have the bandaid wrap around his head anymore but he still has to take his treatment......so yes we want too...

Roni:... that's a good question.... this last question says roni are you ready to be a mom....... yes I'm ready like I was ready to have a baby and now me and Aaron are having a baby boy in January and it's a blessing....so yes I'm ready....

Nessa:... I can't wait...so I guess this is the end of this live stream.....

Roni:... yeah I guess it is..... daddy do want to say something before we ended the live stream...

Paul:... yeah I just want to say that I hope that devan feels better....if you are watching this devan love you and I hope you feel better.....

Roni:... yeah devan if you are watching this we love you...

Nessa:... yeah I love you baby.... I can't wait to come home and make you feel better......

Roni:.. alright....if you guys enjoy this stream drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to this channel and become a member and subscribe to our main channel love you guys bye...

Nessa:... bye you guys....

Roni:...(ended the video)....

Few days later........ Collins and Carla had the baby and Collins and Devan's parents know and John and Andrew and Alex and Aaron and Roni and Nessa and Devan and Roni and Nessa's parents know too..... and Carla's parents know...

Devan:...hey guys....

Nessa:..where's the baby...

Collins:..I'm holding him.....

Roni:...wow...he looks like Collins.... Colleen looks like carla.... but he's looks like Collins..

Aaron:... yeah.....

John:... yeah....

Devan:.. what's his name.....

Collins:...his Callan Joseph Key....

Devan:... it's beautiful...

Nessa:... yeah...

Roni:..it really is...

Aaron:.. yeah..

John:.. yeah..

Collins:.Oh you guys happy anniversary....

Devan:.. thanks Collins...

The next part is coming up soon ❤️.

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now