Episode 45

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after Roni did a video on the merrell twins channel she took a test and she was shocked and she left the video on a cliffhanger.........

Few days later collins is over at Nessa and Devan's house........

Devan:.. Collins how is carla and the kids...

Nessa:.. yeah how are they.....

Collins:..they are okay......


Collins:...woah... stop davey......

Devan:..davey stop (looking at their dog)..

Nessa:.. stop baby.....

Devan:...woah stop davey....

Collins:..why is he acting like this....

Devan:.. I don't know.... maybe he hasn't been seeing you in awhile.....

Nessa:.. yeah it's probably that...

Collins:.. I'm gonna take him out in the back porch...


Collins:.(took him out in the back porch)..

Devan:.. I don't know why he's acting like that...

Nessa:.. I don't know either....


Devan:.. what happened....

Nessa:.. yeah what happened....

Collins:..davey stay.......he freaking bit me.....(holding his arms)..

Devan:.. what...

Nessa:.. what did you do...

Collins:.. I didn't do anything.....he just bit me out of nowhere..... ahhh.... what the f*ck.....like why didn't you guys train him..... like what the h*ll......

Devan:. Bro.....calm down.....

Collins:..no get rid of him..... like......

Devan:..bro stop.... like he didn't mean it.....

Collins:..no like he has a strong bite.... like get rid of him....

Devan:..bro just bandaid on your cut.... and just go home....

Collins:.. alright.... bye you guys....(left)....

Nessa:... Devan can I talk to you....

Devan:.. okay about what...

Nessa:.. I think that we should give davey to my parents for awhile.... cuz we don't know if he's gonna do that to the kids... you know....

Devan:.. I know so your gonna talk to your parents about it...

Nessa:.. yeah.......

Few days later roni and nessa did a video on their merrell twins channel...

Roni:.. hey guys I'm Veronica....

Nessa:... I'm Vanessa...

Roni:.. today if you guys seen the last video where I took a test I left it on a cliffhanger so today as you guys see by the title I'm gonna tell you guys what happened.....so I took the test and it came back positive...so...... I'm pregnant....

Nessa:.. yeah once Roni told me I was shocked and when I told Devan and Collins and John and Andrew and Alex and Carla they were shocked.... and Collins and Devan's parents know too and they were shocked.....

Roni:.. yeah and I told Aaron and he's happy and our parents know too and his parents know too but me and Aaron did say that we're just gonna focus on our first two children and then once they got old enough that where we're gonna try.......

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now