Episode 11

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After devan and Nessa reveal their baby's names and face they are happy...........

Few weeks later........ devan and roni they are in Devan's and Nessa's apartment........ and nessa and Collins and John are in Nessa's and Roni hometown Missouri..... and nessa is letting their grandparents to see Davian......

Devan:...hey Roni do you want water...


Devan:.. here you go....(gave her water)...

Roni:... thanks.....

Devan:...(grabbed tiger)...

Few days later...... Davian has been having stomach problems lately and Nessa and Devan went to the hospital with davian......to check if he's lactose......... and he is lactose intolerant...... and devan and Nessa decided to do a video on the problem..........

Devan:...hey guys it's devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:...hey guys...

Devan:....so today if you guys see by the title our baby boy is been having stomach problems.... and when we found out he was having stomach problems....we didn't know what was happening....

Nessa:... yeah... right now he's sleeping in his crib and he's 3 months old now...

Devan:.. yeah but once we went to the hospital the doctors said that he possibly lactose intolerant....

Nessa:... yeah and if you guys don't know devan used to have the same stomach problems when he was a baby....

Devan:yeah but mine was worse......

Nessa:...so once we found out we were not doing good...

Devan:... yeah we were so frustrated....

Nessa:.....so we might not post for a while because we just need to help our baby boy...

Devan:... yeah....so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below.....(ended the video).

Few weeks later devan decided to get a another tattoo for davian and nessa....

Devan:....Collins.... are you ready for me to get another tattoo...

Collins:... you're getting another tattoo...

Devan:... yeah I'm getting two...


Devan:... I know....

Few hours later Devan got the tattoos done.....

Collins:... wow they look good.....

Devan:...this one is for Davian...(show him his tattoo on his other arm)....

(show him his tattoo on his other arm)

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Collins:..wow it's you and Davi......

Devan:... yeah he's my baby boy.... and look at this one it's Nessa's name on my upper arm....(show him the tattoo on his upper arm)...

(show him the tattoo on his upper arm)

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Collins:...wow.... does our parents know and John and Aaron and John and Andrew and Alex and Roni and nessas and Roni's parents know...

Devan:... yeah they know.... I'm gonna show nessa..

Few hours later with Devan and Nessa...

Devan:....so are you ready nessa...

Nessa:... yeah....(holding davian.....)....

Devan:... okay 1....2..3....(show her the tattoos)....

(show her the tattoos)

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Nessa:...wow it's my name and it's you and Davi.....

Devan:... yeah because you guys are my family.....

Nessa:... I love it so much...

Devan:.. yeah I love it too.....

The next part is coming up soon ❤️....

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now