Episode 35

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After Devan pranked Nessa she was not happy about it but devan made it up to her...

Few days later it Halloween and Devan is dress up as a skeleton onesie for boys and the kids are dressed up as devan too the skeleton onesies and nessa also dressed up as a skeleton onesie too but a little bit different.....and they decided to do photoshoots for their channel.....

Devan:...hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:...hey.... guys we do have our kids..... right now they are with roni.... but we have skeletons onesies on and the kids too but mine is different.... I have makeup on and on my eyes the eye shadow is pink and blue and if you see this are like wings...so I'm like a skeleton mix of a butterfly cuz my name means butterfly......

Devan:.. yeah it's beautiful nessa...

Nessa:.....yeah thanks....

Devan:.. alright let's take photos.....oh and Draven is wearing a skeleton onesie as well and he's 4 months old...

Nessa:... yeah he is.... but let's get this photos done...

Few hours later at the photo shoot place.... devan and nessa are still recording but one of the photographers are holding the camera....

Photographer:...alright this first one is gonna be devan and the kids.....

Devan:... alright....(holding Draven)....

Dream:...(sitting down right next to devan)....

Drayson and Nailah:...(sat down right next to them)...

photographer:... alright smile...

Devan and the kids:...(smiling at the camera).

Photographer:..(took the photo of them)...

Devan:... alright how was it...

Photographer:... perfect....

Few hours later at the photo shop place and Devan and Nessa are still recording...and they been taking photos..
With the kids and Devan and Nessa still don't have their photo done yet.....

Photographer:.. alright the last one is gonna be with Devan and Nessa...

Devan:... alright you ready...

Nessa:... yeah...

Photographer:.. alright ready...

Devan:... yeah...

Photographer:.. okay smile.....

Devan:...(smiling at the camera and holding nessa hand)..

Nessa:..(smiling at the camera and holding his hand).....

Photographer: (took the picture of them).

devan:...so this is the last one...

Photographer:.. actually let's do one you guys will have this photos that you guys got done today but instead of holding hands Devan how about you go behind nessa and put your arms around her and she will smile with her eyes closed and you will kissed her cheek.....

Devan:.. alright....

Nessa:.. okay.... let's get this done...

Devan:...(behind nessa and put his arms around her and kissed her cheek)....

Nessa:..(smiling with her eyes closed)..

Photographer:... perfect.....(took the picture of them)....

Devan:...it was perfect....

Photographer:... yes... and I will send you guys all the photos that you guys took today...

Devan:... alright... thanks....(holding the camera)...

Nessa:.. alright you that was key family photoshoot....

Devan:... yeah if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys....(end of the video).

Few days later after that photoshoot and it on devan and nessa's channel they decided to post them our own Instagram pages.... Devan posted all of the photos on his Instagram into one post on his Instagram and same thing with Nessa too...... and the caption that devan put for that post it's says my family means the world to me with a heart emoji.... and nessa put on her post of the photos on her Instagram she put this family is my world..... with a smiling face emoji.... and few days later Devan and Nessa decided to post a video on their channel......

Devan:...hey guys it's devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:....hey guys.....

Devan:... today we're just gonna talk to you guys....um a lot of you guys were commenting on our Instagrams saying did we celebrated davi birthday... and the answer is yes but we didn't post about it cuz we just wanted to make personal cuz it's hard for me and nessa...

Nessa:..it is hard for us because he was sick and now he's not here anymore but he's still in our hearts forever and ever....

Devan:... yeah it's just life is short and he's wasn't feeling well.....

Nessa:... yeah it's hard for us to post every time when his birthday comes so it's just we need more time to get over this but I don't think it will ever happen....

Devan:.. yeah so if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel bye you guys (ended the video)...

The next part is coming up soon ❤️.....

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Where stories live. Discover now