Episode 56

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After Devan went to the hospital he got stitches on his hand........

Few days later...... Devan and Nessa decided to post a video on their channel......

Devan:..hey guys it's Devan key and today I have my beautiful wife nessa...

Nessa:...hey guys....

Devan:.. today is not a good day as you guys saw by the last video the stalker is back and that's why my hand is like this he slammed my hand in the car door and I had to get stitches.....

Nessa:... yeah I don't know why he's back..... like first it was your eye and now your hand.......so devan is not having a good day.......

Devan:... yeah I'm just so mad... like the stalker is back and he's ruining my life....

Nessa:... I know..... he's putting us at risk....

Devan:... I know but if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below and subscribe to our channel.... bye you guys...

Nessa:... bye guys...

Devan:...(ended the video)...

Few weeks later...... nessa decided to do a prank video on devan.......on their channel....

Nessa:...hey guys I'm Vanessa and today I'm gonna be pranking devan that I know it will hurt him but he's still mad about the stalker but the prank is a h****y prank but really it's gonna Makeup on my neck.....so let's get into the prank...

Few hours later nessa set up the camera in the living room and devan is sitting down on the couch....

Nessa:..hey devan (sitting down the couch)......


Nessa:... what are you doing...

Devan:...... nothing.....(looking at her and then saw something on her neck)...

Nessa:...(watching TV)...

Devan:... what's that on your neck...(looking at her neck)...

Nessa:... what do you mean it's nothing..

Devan:.... nessa I'm not joking with you who gave you that....

Nessa:...... I don't know maybe you....

Devan:.. nessa I didn't give you that we did had spicy time last night but I didn't give you a h****y....

Nessa:.. you probably did you just don't know you gave me this...

Devan:... I'm not joking with you your gonna take me this guy house I know you cheated on me like I'm done with all this bullsh*t.... I'm not having a f*ckin good day........

Nessa:.. devan I'm not cheating on you... like I said you gave me this...

Devan:..no I didn't......who gave you that..... I'm not f*cking joking with you..... I'm pretty sure it was that guy you messed around with..... when we in highschool....

Nessa:.... devan this was just a prank.... you took this way to far........ the camera is right there and recording.........

Devan:... I'm not joking with you.... are you sure it's a prank...

Nessa:... yes this is just a prank I'm not messing with anyone......

Devan:.... whatever I'm gonna relax and our anniversary is coming up when we got together......(left)..

Nessa:..so you guys this was a bad idea if you guys enjoy this video please drop a like and comment down below bye you guys....(ended the video)...

Few days later Devan and Nessa anniversary of them meet each other......the kids are with devans and Collins parents... for the weekend..... until something happens....

What's going on?...(Merrell Twins & Key Brothers)... series PG 13 ❤️🤔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora