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Hi! I've missed you all! I hope you're all doing well and unlike Sara, please heal your inner child in a better way 😘

I've been doing good, atleast better than the last few months. I started school in September and we just started knowing our professors this week. It's been fun.

The support and love you all laid down on this work of mine has been my everything, you all have been my strength during our toughest times as stans (if you ever knew or remember what I'm talking about)

Sometimes, I wonder what are you all doing at this time and if you're still reading my book.

I've seen some people telling me to come back, to write again and to be honest, I've been considering writing again but unfortunately, I will not be able to be active as I was before.

I just want you all to know that you are special to me, giving my work a chance is more than enough and I'm beyond thankful for the good bond and moments you all have shared with me.

Please take care everyday.

Your IT GIRL, Eve.

Risa Hontiveros x Leni Robredo One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now