2: The Beginning

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The streets are calm and quiet in Dreamix. That was the biggest city in the world. A city that's completely run by dreamers.

Instead of a mayor, the CEO at the Dream Corporation was in charge of everything. Here, humans are castaways. Unless their family runs in a line of wealth or power, they're dogs for the Dreamers to be amused.

Serena is the former. A beautiful girl with ombre blonde hair, dark blue eyes as deep and as mysterious as the sea. born of the richest human family in the city. The Dreamers respected her as they would their own.

She thought to herself while waiting the quiet, dark streets. The ambiance of the horns and ads playing on the billboards echoed through the alleyway. The glowing light setting on her face. She bit her bottom lip impatiently. Why does she cave? Why does she always see him whenever he asks her. She mumbled under her breath.
"Why the hell does he want to meet me here?"
She turned around, and she jumped back.
"I just didn't want to be around so many people." he said, smirking.
"Damnit, Pyro!" She pushed him, "I told you to stop scaring me like that!"
He chuckled slightly,
"How have you been doing?"
She looked away slightly,
"Fine, I guess. What's Giddion doing?"
He shrugs, "Same old, same old. He's still pissed that you broke up with him."

Serena rolled her eyes, "Well forget him. He's and asshole." She looked up at him. "I'm curious why you would lie to me. 'I just don't want to be around so many people'? You're a good liar, but that's a pretty pitiful lie."

"I'm here on a job, but I wanted to check in on you, and this was the only time I could squeeze you in."

"Dreamer buissness?"

He nodded.

He sighed, "Giddion's father has been working my ass off. Nightmares have been popping up that the 2nd grade Dreamers can't handle."

He walked a little closer.
"Damn, I wish I could be relaxing every now and then."
He placed his gentle fingers on her chin and tilted it up and smirked,
"You got it made gorgeous."
She slapped his hand away.
"Keep your problems to yourself, Antonio."
He completely expected that reaction. He chuckled, "No one calls me that anymore."

She started to wall away,
"I have a screwd up family, no powers, and an image I have to keep with the public eye."
She turned back to Antonio.
"Both of our lives are a living hell, Antonio."
She walked away as it began to thunder.

He smirked and mumbled to himself,
"I missed you, Serena."


Serena walks home to her big house by the Dreamer Corporation building. She lived there with her mom, dad, and brother, but he was never home. She walked inside, ande he butler was waiting to take her coat.
"Darling, where were you?"
Her mother was waiting for her.

"Pyro wanted to talk to me."
She looked away, knowing her mother didn't want her talking to him.
"I thought I told you to stop engaging with other men until I find you a new husband because you just HAD to dump Giddion!"

Serena did her best to tune out her mother. However, her crabby voice was too much to ignore.

Serena walked up the stairs, followed by her butlers and maids.
"Can I please have some space to breathe!"
The butlers stop following her as she walks up the stairs faster.

She laid on her bed. Giddion was her ex-boyfriend and 1 of 2 sons to the CEO of the Dreamer Corporation. Despite her mother's identity of marriage, Serena wanted to marry someone she loved. She did love him, but he all he cared about was how pretty she was. If a prettier girl lived in the city, he'd leave in an instant. His manipulative, aggressive behavior made Serena leave him after a messy few months

She had to be married sooner rather than later, according to her mom. But she would much rather spend her time doing something else. She picks up her phone and dials a number.

A guys voice came over the phone
Hey girl, What's up?

Hey, uh, can we hang out?

Sure, I'll be at your place in 5

Serena walked out the door to see her friend Mateo.
"Get in, we're going shopping."
Mateo is her best friend and a dreamer. He had black styled hair with light brown skin. His eyes were olive with golden eyeshadow shimmering on his eyes.
She gets in, and they drive off.

"How was your talk with Pyro?" He asked. She sighed,
"He's been busy. We didn't talk long."
Mateo scoffed, "I still think you need to take this opportunity."
"What opportunity?"

Mateo looks at Serena, "We can both agree that Pyro is FINE. He likes you, you need to marry someone. Sounds pretty perfect to me."

She chuckled a little, "He doesn't like me like that."
"Yes, he does! You two have kissed and stuff."
"That means nothing."

Mateo rolled his eyes and kept driving.

"So how is stuff in the dreamer business?"
Mateo sighed, "Everyone's been hella stressed because a lot of nightmares have been popping up on our radar."

He looked at Serena, "Pyro has already had to go on 12 missions this week. He hasn't had a minute of sleep at all, either."

"Damion and Giddion are also being pressured by the CEO that everything stays under control at the building, but that's easier said than done."

"Hm," She looked out the window. The two remained silent until she spoke up.
"How's Damion?"
"Hm? Oh, he's nice like always. He's hard at work, too."
He looked over at her, a little confused.
"Since when did you care about him?"

"Eh. I don't know. I talked to him every now and then. If me and Giddion got married, he would've been my brother in law," she glanced out the window and went silent again.


Meanwhile, Antonio walked down the dark alley. His white hair and his amber eyes slowly lost the lights of the city. His senses perked up. He could sense the nightmares around him. Their bloodlust oozing all over the narrow alley. Their laughs only he could hear.

"Big mistake," he said, looking straight forward confidently.
His eyes glowed. The mark on his hand glowed with it. Black energy grew from his hands,
"Big mistake choosing to die....... where no one can hear you."

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