50: The Dream Realm Part 1

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The 15 minutes were up. They all focused their dream energy as they all felt Pyro's living room dissappear. Particles swirled around them as they glowed. Pyro and Serena glowed black. Mira and Ariel glowed white. Mateo glowed orange, and Damion glowed blue.

The heard wailing sounds of nightmares. The Dream realm must've been infected as well. They all stood there as their glows created a mesh of color.

"Should we split up? Or should we all go together?" Mira asked, looking at the group.

"We should all stick together." Pyro said, crossing his arms. We'll have a better chance of all getting out if we do."

"No, let's split up," Damion argued as he looked at the group.

"Mira and Serena, you come with me. Pyro, Ariel, and Mateo, you guys go the other direction."

Pyro scowled, but he was too tired to argue with Damion. He looked at Serena and spoke softly,
"If anything happens, get out of here. Okay?"

She nodded slightly.

Pyro smiled at her as he started walking while Mateo and Ariel followed close behind. Serena slumped. She was stuck with the two people she didn't want to be with.


Damion, Mira, and Serena were walking. Damion led the way while Mira and Serena walked side by side.

"So... how are you, Mira?" Serena asked curiously.

Mira looked different. Her hair was longer, and she looked less friendly.

"I've been fine."

"Are you upset with me for being invasive?" Serena said, looking at the particles.

"No, I'm mad that you broke up with Damion. You broke his heart, Serena."

She looked at her annoyed, "You're wrong."


"He was so invasive of my privacy. I couldn't even be around Pyro without Damion getting upset. I understand that any boyfriend could be jealous of that, but it got to the point where he didn't even trust me."

"Whatever, Serena."

"He smacked me across my face. It left a bruise that I had to bandage."

"He deserves you more than Pyro does. I don't dislike Pyro, but all he's done is cause problems."

"And what has Damion done?"

Mira went quiet and then scoffed as she walked ahead with Damion. Serena sighed as she kept walking. They passed by people who were sleeping in the dream realm. Their faces were cold and calm. They were asleep in other parts of the world.

Suddenly, a giant nightmare flew above them. Its wail echoed the dream realm. Mira and Damion looked at it, afraid.

"I got this!" Serena yelled to them as she blasted the nightmare with her dreamer energy. It disintegrated into millions of pieces.

She sighed as she looked at them.

"If we run into any more of those, I'll take care of it."

Mira and Damion nodded as they kept walking. They walked for what felt like forever. Where was the veil?

Mira walked ahead as Damion and Serena ended up side by side.

"Hey." He said with a slight smile.

"Hey -" Serena said, a little uninterested.

He looked at her a little sad, "I'm sorry about earlier. I shouldn't have insulted your judgment."

"Bit late for that." Serena replied, looking at the ground.

Damion looked at her. She clearly didn't want to see him, but he persisted.

"Look, I've just really missed you, okay?"

She looked at him, "I hoped you weren't too dolorous under your mom's possession." She said quietly.

"Well, I was. But now I'm happy we are here together again. I was hoping we could start things over." He said with a smile.

Serena stopped walking. Mira turned around.

"Just keep walking, Mira. Serena and I will catch up." Damion said with a sweet smile.

Mira walked away until they couldn't see her silhouette anymore.

"I've been thinking about us while I was down there, and I put two and two together," he continued, "You are just stressed out and confused.

Serena's heart stopped beating.

He continued talking, "We had amazing chemistry at first. We loved each other. We were an amazing couple. When the start of the revolution began, you got stressed and confused. You didn't know how to handle it, so you would turn to Pyro, who was the only one who wasn't on a side either. You convinced yourself that you actually LIKED someone like him."

"Someone like him?" She spoke quietly.

"Mhm. A Rouge like him and a goddess such as yourself could never match. But then, when I hit you, it seemed like the natural response to your vulnerability."

She couldn't believe the words escaping his tongue. This wasn't the Damion she fell in love with.

"I regret hitting you. Every day, it makes me feel shame and guilt, but I believe that the confusion of the revolution has blinded you from the truth that: It's me that you love."

She stayed quiet. She felt her eyes water. She wanted to escape. She wasn't just upset with him. She was scared of him.

"I think we should put all this ridiculous arguing behind us and restart our relationship. What do you say?" He lifted her chin. Her expression was horrified.

She pulled away and looked at him, "Damion..."


"What's my brother's name?"

He looked at her confused, "Huh?"

She spoke a bit more firmly and deliberately, "What is my brother's name."

"I'm afraid I don't know that."

She looked up at him, "What are some things I like doing?"


In an instant, she blasted him with dream energy. It knocked him over as he winced a little in pain.

Tears rolled down her face as she watched him sit up.

"Baby, you hurt me." He said a little stern.

"Get away from me! I want nothing to do with you!" She said, walking backward.

He got up as he slowly approached her.

"You're confused right now, but I promise that things will make sense soon."

"I'm not confused! In fact, I don't think I've ever seen this clearly before!"

He looked at her suprised as she continued, "You don't even sound sympathetic! You're treating me like I'm delirious!"

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are!"

"Honey, please."

"Don't you DARE call me 'honey'. You will address me by my name, and you will drop this delusion that I want you back. BECAUSE I DON'T!"

He glared at her as he stated, "What about your parents?"

"What?" She whispered.

"Your parents would never want you marrying Pyro. I'm sure if I talked to them, we could work something out."

Her breath shuddered in fear as he lifted her chin,

"I don't need you to love me to be my wife."

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