39: The Revolution Part 1

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"Damion, what would you do if I betrayed the boss?"

Damion looked confused as he responded, "Uhm, I'm not sure. Why would you do that?"

"Because what if I were to tell you my plan to make nightmares roam free?"

Damion backed up, surprised, "No! Please, you'll be punished!"

"You won't tell him. You're too afraid."

End of Flashback
5:30 pm

"99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beer 🎶"

"Shut up, Mateo." Ariel leaned against the pole she was tied up to.

"Whatever." Mateo rolled his eyes.

The five of them were tied up to poles in an old subway car. The sat on the floor only fed once a day. Ariel, Mira, and Mateo have been down there for a whole 8 days. They're exhausted and pissed off.

"How the hell did you two get kidnapped!?" Mira asked angrily.

"We were out last night, and they caught us by surprise. They threatened to kill you guys if we didn't follow their instructions."

"Why would you even go out in the first place?" Mira looked angry while Ariel and Mateo kept their mouths shut.

"Well..." she blushed a little, "It's not important. We just weren't tired." Serena answered.

Pyro looked at the ground. He had a gag on because he yelled and argued with the people watching over them. He looked guilty, but he couldn't say anything.


Damion, Giddion, and Demetrius were hiding at the top of the building near the subway doors. There was once again a long line to get in.

"Should we go in the same way?" Giddion asked.

Damion nodded, "We shouldn't sneak in just yet. They will be looking for us, so we are more likely to be caught."

"Wait, if we are giving them the ring, why don't we just walk through the front door?" Demetrius asked, kicking a piece of trash on the ground.

"Because at least if we do it this way, we can escape easier if the plan doesn't work out."

They all looked out at the crowd of people once more.

"So who did you think the masked man was, Damion?" Demetrius looked at him.

"The only person we threw into the pit that we actually missed."

The two went silent.

"You don't mean..."

"I do.."

They all looked at each other in fear.


The 5 were still tied up in the old subway car. They were all tired as they sat there listening to water drip and rats running by. The smell of mold was unbearable, but they couldn't get away from it.

Just then, a human came in with three meal trays. The food looked disgusting, but he placed it in front of Mateo, Mira, and Ariel.

More men came in as they took off Pyro's gag.

"I feel honored you aren't feeding me that shit." He said in a smart voice.

"Someone needs to shut that mouth of yours, you arrogant bastard." Said the man in a gravely voice.

"Take these two to the backroom to the stage." One of the men commanded.

One man took Serena, and another took Pyro. They walked them to a small room with nothing in it.

The two were thrown in, and the door shut and locked behind them.
Pyro sighed as he looked at Serena with his arms tied behind his back.

"I'm so sorry." He said, looking down.

"I don't blame you, Antonio."

"But it's my fault." He argued.

She sat in silence as he looked at her. He sighed again as he looked at the ceiling.

"Do you think Damion, Giddion, and Demetrius are coming to give the masked man the ring?"

He groaned, "That's a big mistake if they do. If he wants the ring, then he'll have the power of every nightmare I absorbed."

Her breath shuddered. He looked at her nervous face.

"My Princess, whatever happens. I want you to leave the city."

She looked at him, surprised, "What...?"

"There is no good way this could go. So get out of the city as soon as we can get out of here."

She looked at him, "And you?"
He took her hands.

"Love, my priority is you. Take that job in the capital. This city is going to fall."

She looked at him scared, but he was right. No matter what way it went, they were in big trouble.


The two were dragged out to the stage. A huge crowd cheered to see them. They looked at each other, afraid and scared.

Pyro observed the room. The people were wearing clothes that kept them from standing out. Black, maroon, dark greens, and blues.

There were tall muscular men guarding every door and location, and them. He looked over to see the one man who was very close to Serena's face.

"You're very pretty, darling~"

"Leave me the hell alone!" She turned her face away as he laughed tauntingly.

"Ay, unibrow," Pyro looked at him coldly, "Get away from her."

"Shut your mouth, pretty boy." The man laughed but looked angry.

Pyro rolled his eyes as the lights dimmed. A spotlight came over them as a small man ran over.

"Presenting, your hero, the masked man!"

Everyone cheered as the masked man came on stage. He walked up, standing in front of Pyro and Serena.

"It looks like your little friend isn't showing," the masked man said, pulling out a gun, "Looks like I'll have to change my plan." He pointed the gun at Pyro.

"WAIT!" Damion yelled. Everyone looked to the upper level of the subway. Damion, Giddion, and Demetrius were standing there with the ring.

"Oh, how fun! The people who threw me into the pit all those years ago are here!" The masked man put the gun down as Giddion and Damion walked down the stairs. People were shocked. Serena thought to herself. How many people have they thrown in that pit?!

"We will give you the ring, if and only if you let all of your hostages go." Giddion commanded.

The masked man laughed. "You two were always so determined! Your foolishness always makes me laugh."

"Please, spare them! You don't need to keep lying to everyone, Mother."


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