60: The Escape Part 3

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"What? Do you think we are really going to let YOU come along?"

Damion stood his ground, "I know all three of you hate me, but my brother is still under my mom's control. I need to get him back."

The two twins stared at him uninterested in reason. Vladmir looked at Serena, who was teary-eyed but knocked out. He wiped her tears and stroked her hair gently.

Damion added, "And if we are in any situation, I'll be the guinea pig."

The two stared at him as he stared back at them. Their eyes locked and fixated with a serious expression.

Suddenly, the twins burst into laughter.

"Fine, it will be fun to watch you face the dangers of the Dream Forrest," Vladmir said mockingly.

"What dangers?" Damion asked curiously.

"It's not any old forrest. It possesses creatures that created the 10 stones. It is the origin of all magic beings in this world. It was named Dream Forrest because it's right next to Dreamix. However, dreams are only the surface of what lurks in there," Melchoir explained.

Damion and the twins walked up to the barrier while Serena laid in Vladmir's arms hardly conscious.

"Let's end this hell Gianna started." Vladmir stated as Melchoir held the manipulation stone to the barrier. The barrier disappeared; leaving nothing but a clear path to the Dream Forrest.

The three ran quickly as Pyro ran in from another area. The 5 were in the Dream Forrest now. They have escaped.


2:43 am

"Why is he here with us?!" Serena yelled out as she recovered from her exhaustion. Vladimir set her on the ground gently.

"Relax, doll; he is our pet that we can use whenever we feel like it. He won't get in the way, or we'll kill him."

Damion's breath shuddered at that statement. He turned his head and made eye contact with Serena.

"We won't have any trouble, Serena; Won't we?" His voice was sharp and deliberate.

"Yes..." she replied, matching his energy.

The three started walking, and Serena and Damion looked around in awe. The whole forrest was covered in snow. Their footsteps imprinted in the snow as they walked.

"Me and Melchoir have been through this forrest many times before." Vladmir stated as they walked.

"Yes, the Nightmare Stone is located in the heart of the forrest. Since there was no one able to possess it, they kept in there so no one common folk can lay a grubby finger on it," Melchoir explained.

"There are 10 main creatures of this forrest; each 1 represents 1 of the 10 stones," Vladimir added.

Suddenly, they heard rustling, and the sounds of howling came towards them.

Serena looked around, afraid, "What's that!?" Then, the three were surrounded by black wolfs. There was nightmare energy emitting off them, and their eyes glowed red.

"Nightmare Dogs; they are wolfs possessed by nightmares!" Melchoir looked around as the sounds of aggressive barking echoed the cold, windy air.

"They represent the nightmare stone. They will follow the command of their leader. Serena, is there anything you can do?" Vladmir asked.

Serena looked around, "Um..... dogs, sit," it didn't do anything, "Please, stop barking." She asked a little louder.

Melchoir shook his head, "There is no point trying to do this right now. Our best option is to run."

Damion nodded, "Yeah, that makes sense." He looked to see Melchoir and Vladimir running with Serena.

"Hey! What the hell!?" Damion shouted.

Melchoir and Vladimir stopped.

Melchoir patted his brothers shoulder, "Be Serena's legs and get both of you out of here. I'll be there as soon as I train our little dog here."

Vladmir picked up Serena as he chuckled, "Understood." In an instant, Vladmir had run off with Serena.

Melchoir walked up to Damion, who was surrounded by Nightmare Dogs.

He placed his hand on Damion's shoulder: "I think you can handle a few muts."

"Those things are vicious."

"And I don't care."


"You heard me: fetch."

Melchoir started running as Damion looked out at the dog's growls.

He chuckled nervously, "Hehe, nice doggy."

One of the wolves pounced at Damion as he took off, screaming. He ran as he felt a pair of hands grab him. Melchoir ran with Damion in his arms.

"H-Hey! Let me go, bastard!"

"And let your weak legs be dinner? Please."

The dogs chased them, barking loudly. The dark, cold night was pireced by their sound.

Melchoir ran as he arrived in a place where he could no longer sense the nightmare energy. Vladmir and Serena were waiting there.


"I can't believe you were actually able to make fire." Damion stared at the bird Serena was cooking.

"It's merely survival skills we've learned out here." Melchoir smirked as he gazed at Serena.

"When we were kids, our father left us in the forrest for a whole year. We learned how to survive in such a vulnerable position." Vladmir explained.

Serena cut pieces off the bird, "It's done." She said softly.

"Excellent, little doll." Melchoir smirked.

"Thank you, Serena," Damion smiled but received dirty scowls from the twins.

Vladmir stroked her hair softly, "Serena, is everything alright?"

All of their voices felt fuzzy. She could hardly make out what they were saying. The reality of her situation had kicked in, but she had no energy to respond to it. She had lost Pyro, and she would be stuck with two unhinged twins and her ex-boyfriend.

Not only that, she would have to possess the Nightmare Stone. She was light-years behind Pyro in terms of nightmare experience. How could she compare?

However, she would never feel that way again. She was going to find the Nightmare Stone, kill Gianna, and save all of Dreamix.

For everyone

For Pyro

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