7: The Mission

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5:00 pm

"Serena Curtis? A 1st grade dreamer?"

"That is correct, Father." Damion confirmed. Serena, Damion, and Pyro sat in the boss, Demetrius's office.

"Well," he looked at the three of them. I see great things to come of this. With two first grades on the job, the nightmares will be out of our world before we know it."

Damion and Serena nodded. Pyro couldn't pay attention. He laid glances on Serena, smiling to himself. She was perfect. Ever since he met her years ago, he can never get over it. 5,4, beautiful smile, long blonde hair, deep blue eyes that felt like the ocean. He could stare at them all day and never get bored.

He could hear Damion talking, but he wasn't listening to what he was saying. His feelings were mutual. Although his experiences with Damion have never been great, he believes Damion has the potential to be one of the best 2nd grades of all time. However, he could never get around their opposing personalities. He looked at the two of them, smiling and talking to each other with the boss.

Pyro has never been the type to be jealous. He was a frail little boy who became the man who gets what he wants when he wants it. I mean, sure, he was jealous of Giddion for dating Serena. However, he could tell it would never last.

"Pyro, Pyro. PYRO!" Demetrius yelled.

"Ugh, boss. Do you have to yell so loud? My earrings are practically a fully functional microphone. I can hear you fine."

The boss rolled his eyes, "I'm putting you responsible for Serena's training. From now on, you will be taking her on your missions to teach her how to do what you do."

Pyro smirked, looking at Serena, "Sounds good to me, Boss."

Suddenly, the door opened, and Giddion was there. Both Pyro and Damion put a protective hand on each arm of the chair Serena was sitting in.

"Serena? Dad! I thought non dreamers were not allowed in here!"

Demetrius stood up from his chair, "It seems that Serena discovered last night that she is a 1st grade dreamer."

Giddion eyes widened, "F-First grade?" His eyes twitched in shock. His dad nodded as Pyro stood up.

Giddion looked furious, "But, but. That's so unfair! She's lying! She probably faked it!"

Pyro laughed in a condescending manner.

"Isn't it hilarious, Giddion? First, the kid you bullied as a child becomes 1st grade, and now your ex! God, I wonder what's next! Mabye, your son? No..... you're too irascible to have a son. Or a wife at that matter."

Giddion, furious, shot his red dream energy straight at Pryo, who blocked it in an instance.
"Now, let's not get angry. I just bought this collard shirt, and I wouldn't want it to get messy."
He then made his way to the door. The whole room is still staring.

"Come alone, Serena. The sun will be setting soon. I sense a nightmare a few streets away. It will be your perfect first lesson."

Serena stood up, waving to Damion. She walked by Giddion. Their tension was sharp. You could cut it with a knife. Serena couldn't stand the way he treated her. Nothing could change her mind. Serena and Pyro left. Giddion glanced at his father and brother and left.

Giddion walked down the hall to see Ariel.
"Hi, Giddion." She said, typing on her computer. She stopped at her desk.
"Hello, Ariel."

She stood up, "I have a favor to ask of you."

"Go ahead."


Meanwhile, Serena was in Pyro's car. It was dark, the glare of traffic lights and cars shined in her eyes. She relaxed in the car, looking out the window. His car was nice. Velvet seats with a gold finish. It matched his vibe so good.

"We're here," he pulled over to the curb and got out. She was about to open the door when Pyro opened it for her. His smile was sweet as she stepped out.

"T-Thanks." She stepped out. He pressed on the keys, locking the car. The two of them stood in front of a wide alleyway.

"This is where you sensed those nightmares? How did you do that?"
Black dream particles glowed from Pyro's hand. He walked into the alleyway as Serena followed closely behind him.

"First grades are the diamonds in the rough of dreamers. They have many unique abilities. Sensing nightmares from far away is one of those."
They walked in the alleyway as the lights of the city were no longer in sight. They stepped on trash and old papers. Suddenly, Pyro stopped.

"W-Why did we stop?" Her voice sounded worried. She looked all around as she heard the sound of rats and dripping of water from the drains. He smirked, glancing over at her.

"You scared?~"

"Wha!? No!"

He chuckled, "If you're scared, you can hold my hand." He stuck out his hand teasingly. She slapped it away gently.

"I don't need that."

"Trust me, I know. You're strong."
He reached into his pocket, not noticing Serena's red face.

"Before we do anything, you'll need this." He handed her a ring that was the same as the one on his finger.

"Absorbing nightmares in our bodies is too risky. That's why I invented these rings. You'll learn to absorb nightmares in them."

She nodded. "Why is my ring pink?"

He smiled, "It's your favorite color. Is it not?"

"I'm surprised you remembered that." She said quietly.

He nodded. He would never admit how much he would remember from their conversations. Suddenly, they heard wailing of the nightmares. Serena immediately grabbed Pyro's hand.

"Fine! You win, Antonio!"

He chuckled, "No need to be afraid. That's just the ugly sound they make. You already unleashed your power. Just focus, and it will come back."

The wailing sounds evolved into shadowy figures of different shapes and sizes. Their eyes were two glowing dots, and the rest of them varied from each nightmare. He looked at her encouragingly and motioned her to give it a try.

She let go of his hand. She focused the energy on her hand. Black particles emerged from her palms. She built up enough and shot it at a nightmare. It wailed as it disintegrated.

Pyro whistled, "Perfect. And now, the rest." Just then, the rest of the curses started fleaing down the same path.
"What? They're giving up?" Serena asked.

"No..... There is definitely somewhere they're going. We have to follow them. We can't let them merge."

He took her hand, and they followed swiftly but quietly behind the nightmares.

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