48: The Meeting

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Pyro woke up, no longer feeling Serena in his arms.

"Serena." He said in a groggy tone.

"Antonio." He heard a voice say. He smiled sweetly as he turned around to face them. But it wasn't Serena. It was Leilani.

"Oh, good morning, Pumpkin."

"There's a lot of people here to see you."

He sat up, confused, "Huh?"

"Damion, Giddion, Ariel, Mira, and Mateo. They're all here to see you."

Pyro rushed out of bed and got dressed, brushed his hair, and put on vanilla cologne.

He walked down the stairs, and as Leilani said: they were all here.

They all greeted him as he came down the stairs. He went over to talk to Mira, Damion, and Giddion while Mateo and Ariel talked to Serena.

"How the hell did you two get out?" Pyro said in a slight whisper.

"The Lexington Twins distracted our mother, so we could escape."

Pyro rolled his eyes, "I don't like the idea of those two helping us."

"Tell me about it. I can't stand them." Damion agreed.

"Can't stand them is an understatement. They almost made us lose our jobs." Giddion said aggressively.

"Well, I wouldn't have lost my job regardless. I didn't disappoint the boss, " Pyro argued.

"You shut your damn mouth, Pyro." Damion argued back.

"Oh, be mad about it." Pyro said, sitting down.

"Shut up, both of you!"

Mateo, Ariel, and Serena turned and looked at the incoherent fighting.

"What a bunch of babies." Ariel said, rolling her eyes.

"Tell me about it." Mateo agreed.

"Well... how are you two doing?" Serena asked, trying to change the subject.

"We're fine. We've just missed you." Ariel said, smiling.

"What about Mira?" She asked.

The two of them went quiet.

"She's like, really mad at you."

Serena's eyes widened, "Seriously!?"

"Yeah, she's like totally mad at you for breaking up with Damion because she is his little bitchy assistant." Ariel said rolling her eyes.

Serena looked at Mira as they made eye contact. She glared at her.

Mateo added, "Or maybe she's just mad because she lost our bet. At least, I assume." They two of them looked at Serena curiously.

Serena looked at their smiles , "What?"

"How has it been? With Pyro." Mateo asked.

Serena smiled a little bit, causing the two of them to go absolutely crazy. The others looked at them confused, having no clue what the heck they're talking about.

"Details, girl, DETAILS!!" Ariel squealed, shaking Serena.

"Tell us! Have you two kissed? Has he bought you flowers!?" Mateo asked.

Pyro then realized the context and blushed a little.

"Okay... So everyone," Giddion clapped his hands, silencing everyone, "Let us discuss the plans for how we are going to take down our mother."

Everyone nodded as they sat down in Pyro's living room.

"Giddion and I have been devising a plan that we think is possible." Damion stated as everyone listened in.

"We plan to enter the dream realm and break down the veil inside the dream realm. Giddion will distract Gianna while we do this."

Serena didn't like the sound of this plan. If they broke the veil, all the nightmares in the city would be free. They should defeat Gianna before they try to break the veil. Plus, who knows if they'll all be strong enough to break the veil.

"Wait, Damion. If we try to break the veil, all the nightmares in this city will leave and infect places nearby."

Damion looked a little annoyed, "Yes, but it's the most effective plan we can think of, Serena."

"I'm with Serena," Ariel added, "It sounds like a cop out if you ask me."

"Will both of you be quiet!?," Giddion said, raising his voice, "It's a plan. Take it or leave it!"

"Go to hell." Ariel said bluntly.

"What did you say to my brother?" Damion asked triggered.

"She said,'Go to hell'. Do you need to hear it again?" Serena crossed her arms.

"Serena, Ariel! Just take our idea! It's the most logical!" Giddion said angrily.

"Logical? What's so logical about it?" Ariel asked tauntingly.

"Well, for one thing," Damion looked at Serena, "It's far better than striking a deal with Vladimir and Melchoir."

Serena rolled her eyes, "Oh cry me a river, Damion. I don't know what beef you have with them, but they showed me the manipulation gem, and they helped you two escape. How about you take the idea, or you shut the hell up."

Damion and Mira looked at her angrily,
"Shut up, Serena! You dont know anything!" Mira yelled.

Serena and Ariel looked at each other, and then back at Mira, "Then enlighten me, Mira. What don't I know?"

Pyro and Mateo looked at each other awkwardly as Mira continued.

"You weren't a dreamer then, so you wouldn't understand!"

"Oh my god, Mira! Save us the dramatics and tell us what the hell happened!" Ariel yelled.

"Okay, okay, everyone!" Pyro stood up to break up the argument, "That's enough!"

He looked at Damion and Giddion, "We will try your plan. But I'd be lying if I said I think it will work. Because I don't. But if it does, I wouldn't want to neglect it."

Pyro looked at everyone, "We will initiate this plan in 1 hour."

Everyone agreed as they all went around his bunker to do their own thing. Pyro took Serena upstairs to his room.


"Why did you agree to it!? If nightmares get released outside of Dreamix, then we have accomplished nothing!"

He stood there and listened while she kept talking, "Our best plan is to bust into the subway and either defeat her there or land a blow on her and hope the Lexington twins come through."

She sighed as she finally calmed down.

"A couple of years ago, the Lexington Twins betrayed me, Giddion and Damion."

She looked at him curiously. He continued, "It was a while ago, but they still carry a grudge."

"I see.." Serena said quietly.

"Don't feel bad, Princess. You are right."

"Wait, you think so?"

He nodded, "I just agreed to their plan because it sounds like there could be a chance that even if we don't break the veil, we can make an opening long enough to escape."

He walked closer to her as he put his hands on her shoulders, "Don't stress it. I promise we'll get out of here." He kissed her cheek as he picked up her chin.

She nodded slightly as they heard someone knock on the doorframe. It was Ariel.

"Hey, Serena. Let's talk."

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