10: The Triangle

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Serena woke up to the sounds of the city from outside the window. She felt rested. Damion must have an ability to make people, and apparently, dreamers sleep.

She got up and noticed a black outift laying at the foot of her bed. It was a short black dress with a tie that had an enamel pin that said her name and had the dreamer logo. There was a note on the dress.


The boss wanted me to give you this dress. I'm looking forward to seeing you in it! Damion wants to see you as soon as you get there to teach you about the dream realm. Standard procedure that all 1st and 2nd grade have to do. Also, if we don't have any missions tonight, how about you and me spend some time together, Princess~?

-Antonio Pyro

She put the dress on and looked at her full-length mirror. The dress was very comfortable, but fancy fabric. She felt pretty but also professional. She looked at the note. Pryo wanted to see her? Was it a date? She blushed in confusion.
How could she go out with him if she was starting to like Damion?

She stopped stressing and went outside, where Mateo was already waiting.
"Do ya' need a ride?"

She nodded and got in as he drove off to Dreamer HQ.
"I heard you're a 1st grade."


He chuckled, "That's my girl. Now, what was it like?"


He smirked, "You and Pyro. Alone~"
She blushed and covered her face.

"Shut up! It wasn't like that!"

He laughed, "Serena, I'm your best friend. I can tell you're lying."

"Ugh, I feel so conflicted right now!"

"Why, what's up?" His eyes looked at her.

She leaned against her side window.

"I feel like I'm torn between Pyro and Damion."

His eyes widened, "Well..... that was unexpected. Why? What do you like about each one of them?"

She thought about it for a moment and then spoke up, "Pyro and I have known each other since I was 5, and he was 6. We have a strong bond combined with his irresistible charm and care for me.
He is strong, clever, and it's not my fault he's that damn good-looking!"

"I mean.... you're not wrong." Mateo said, watching the road.

"Damion and I have known each other through my relationship with Giddion. He has a colder aura with others, but he's warm to me. He's sweet and smart, and my heart flutters every time I'm around him. Ugh, I can never seem to get those eyes out of my head!"

Mateo pulled into the parking lot.
"What I suggest is to see who you like more. Just analyze them day to day," he got out of the car with Serena, "Since you're going to be working with both of them, you'll have ample time to figure it all out."

She nodded. If they both felt the same way she felt for them, then one of their hearts would be broken. She sighed. She truthfully didn't want to hurt either of them.

The two of them walked into the Dreamer HQ lobby, which was busy as usual.
"Oh! Serena!" Damion saw the two of them and immediately rushed over.
"Mateo, if you'll excuse us. Serena has a dream realm preview."

Mateo nodded as he walked away, patting Serena's back. Damion signaled her to follow him to the elevator. They got in and headed up to floor 71, his office.

They stood in the elevator looking put at the city.
"Was I dreaming, or did you actually put me to sleep last night?" She looked at him.
He chuckled, "Dreamers can't dream. That was real."
She blushed. The two got off at the floor and made their way into his office.

He opened the door for her and pulled up a soft chair, and let her sit down.
"Tea, pastries, anything?"

She smiles at him, "I'm okay, thank you!"
He smiled and sat down across from her,
"So, what's on your mind?"


He took her hands and smiled sympathetically.
"You said last night that you had a lot on your mind. I'm here for you if you need me."

She blushed, damnit. How could she decide between the two of them when they act so handsome around her. Her face gets red.

"Are you blushing?"

"What!? No, no!" She blushes even more. He chuckles and then hums.

"Mhm, okay. Sure." He smiles at her. She felt like her heart was going to explode. He looked like a god with his medium-brown hair and blue eyes. His eyes were like a clear blue sky. She couldn't help but get lost in them.

"Now, what has been on your mind."

"Well....um.... I've been kind of struggling with my love life."

He blushed, "Really?"

She nodded as he looked at her sympathetically.
"I get that."

"Wait, you do?"

"Ariel is my ex-girlfriend, remember?"

She then remembered the girl who got her in trouble with security. She nodded. How could he have dated that girl. She seemed like a real brat.

"I dated her before you and Giddion got together. She was sweet and nice to my face, but behind my back, she would steal my money and use my title as a brag to other dreamers."

"I'm sorry." Serena looked down. He titled her chin up.

"Why should you be apologizing? It's not your fault, Gorgeous."

Gorgeous!? Serena's face almost went completely red. She looked at his sweet smile, and she could feel all her senses melt.

"Well, I planned to break up with her, but then she faked an injury and told my dad I did it to her. I've tried to convince my father, but he felt bad for her and gave her a job as his assistant."

Serena looked at him at his sad expression, "Every time I fall in love, I feel like I'm going to get hurt. So I act cold to others to avoid ever letting that happen again."

She smiled sympathetically at his sad face.
"You don't need to be cold to others. It's okay to love. It's Ariel's fault for treating you that way."

He smiled, "Thanks, but it's not like anyone loves me that way."

"Are you sure?" She said softly.

"What?" He said, confused.

She looked at his pretty lips. She so desperately wanted to kiss him. She then realized. She shouldn't do anything to bold. At least until she can decide between the two.

"N-nothing. Let's just start the Dream realm preview."

He looked at her blushing. Was she going to confess to him, or did she know someone else likes him. He cleared his throat and stood up.

"Let us begin, shall we?"

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