22: The Return

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The two got out of the car and walked into the building. Despite it being nighttime, the lobby was still busy. Dreamers worked 24/7 for people living in different parts of the world.

Damion walked in with Serena hand in hand.

"Honey, can I go grab something quick, and you just stay here?"

She didn't want to. She no longer felt comfortable being alone in the Dream HQ. Ever since Pyro was fired, people discouraged her because they believed that she sided with him.

being a 1st grade like him. No one liked him anymore, and no one liked her anymore.

"Yeah, that's fine!" She smiled as he waved and walked away.

She sat on one of the sofas in the lobby. She watched as people pointed and whispered to each other. Thousands of rumors have spread around about what really happened. The boss hasn't told anyone else. The information has strictly been kept between the board staff of the building.

Demetrius, Owner of Dreamer HQ

Damion, Dream Realm Operator

Giddion, Dreamer Executive Supervisor

Mira and Ariel, Assistants of the board

Serena, Their 1st grade vessel

She was checking out her socials. At least the people still liked her. She was very popular among humans. With the information that was leaked, she was painted as a supporter to not release the nightmares. People now respected her, while dreamers despised her.

Suddenly, she felt someone's presence next to her.

"Hey, Serena~"

She responded, not even looking up from her phone.

"What do you want, Ariel?"

"I've been thinking..."

Serena set down her phone and looked at her uninterested.

"I'm dating one of the boss's sons. You're dating the other. I started thinking that you and I could be good friends."

Serena rolled her eyes, "Seriously?"

"Dumb idea, I know. I just thought it made sense."

"Ariel, you framed Damion to justify everything you did to him. Not to mention, your boyfriend assaulted me multiple times."

"Okay, so he has a couple of flaws, but I promise he is better."

"I'm not done. You are the reason Pyro is now rotting in the pit."

"Oh, get over him! He was hot, but he's gone! Even if he were to get out, which I doubt, every dreamer in the building doesn't like him."

"I do, and Damion does."

"You sure about that?"

She went quiet and then spoke up.

"Listen, Ariel, you and me will never be friends. You've done enough damage."

Serena went on her phone. She didn't notice Ariel's smirk as she started walking away.

"Let's say Damion actually did get out. How do you expect him to ever forgive you for dating someone else as soon as he's out of your life?"

Those words pierced her heart, but she bit her tongue.


Damion finally got back as the two of them went up to his floor. They went into his office.

"The funniest thing happened earlier."


"Ariel said we should be friends."

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