62: The Dream Stone Vessel

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"Hi! I'm Soria," she bowed to the three guys, "It's an honor to meet you three."

"The Dream Stone vessel?" Giddion looked at Demetrius, surprised.

"Yes, this is the mission I have for the three of you."

Pyro sat down in one of the velvet chairs, "Go on."

Demetrius walked over to the window.

"You see, the capital is currently dealing with some evacuation issues. Soria has returned to Dreamix until further notice. Your mission is to keep her safe until future instruction."

Giddion looked at Pyro. Pyro raised his eyebrow, "That's all?"

Demetrius looked at them, "Is something wrong?"

Pyro stood up and walked over to Soria.

"I don't know, boss. I was expecting something harder than protecting a young woman. No shame to you, miss," Pyro kissed Soria's hand.

"Don't be ridiculous, Pyro," Damion pushed him out of the way, "We won't fail you, father."

Demetrius smiled, "Good, now please, show Soria her room."

The four left the boss as they made their way to the elevator.

The boss sighed as he sat in his chair. He tapped his pen on the desk as he looked around.

"Hm, that's funny. Who brought those two extra chairs in here?"

Suddenly, he heard a voice, "Oh, brother! Looks like there's a new doll in the house to play with!"

"Indeed, brother!"

Suddenly, the two chairs transformed into the twins, and his wife's old advisors: Melchoir and Vladimir.

"Gah!! What are you two doing in here!? You two aren't welcome in here anymore after what you did?"

"Did what? We didn't do a thing," Vladimir smirked.

"My brother is correct. Our boss Gianna was the one who committed the crime." Melchoir agreed.

"You two didn't tell me what she was doing!" Demetrius sat up angrily.

"Did we? I swear we did." Vladmir laughed.

Melchoir looked out the window, "So our little doll is in Dreamer turf? Well, isn't that something."

Demetrius slammed his hands on the desk as he stood up, "You two better not lay a finger on her!"

Vladmir chuckled as he walked close to him, "We don't take orders from you or ANYONE."

Melchoir used the Manipulation Stone, and they disappeared.


"Forgive Giddion and Pyro for overestimating you, Soria. I'm sure you are a very strong dreamer." Damion said as he walked next to Soria.

"Aw, thank you, Damion! But I'm not all THAT strong."

Pyro and Giddion walked behind them. Pyro asked, "Are you a 1st grade?"

She shook her head, "I'm actually a 3rd grade!"

All of them looked at her, "HUH!?"

She smiled sweetly, "That's right!"

Pyro scoffed, "Why would the capital pick someone so weak to be their vessel?"

Giddion covered Pyro's mouth and chuckled nervously, "Forgive him, Soria."

She smiled slightly, "It's quite alright. I've heard a big deal about you, Pyro. The capital is impressed by your work."

Pyro looked at her surprised; but he didn't say anything.

The four got in the elevator as it went down. Pyro turned and looked at Damion; who couldn't stop looking at Soria.

They got off as they walked down the hall full of rooms where Dreamers could stay if they had no other home.

"This is your room!" Damion smiled as he opened the door to a lavish studio apartment.

She walked in and looked around in awe.

"Wow! This place is so beautiful!" She smiled as Damion walked in with her. Meanwhile, Pyro and Giddion stood by the door.

She took his hands, "Thank you, Damion!"

He smiled, "It's a pleasure; truly."

Pyro mumbled, "Gag."

Giddion cleared his throat, "Soria, I suggest you spend your time in this room and alert us if you need anything."

She looked at him, disappointed, "Oh.... so I can't go anywhere during my stay?"

Damion looked at his brother, "Come on! We should at least let her go places while she's here!"

Pyro rolled his eyes, "Damion, you're so naive to the dangers that live in this city. Trust me, I've seen it all."

"Come on!"

"Our answer is no!" Giddion shouted.

Damion scoffed as Giddion closed the door.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make Giddion mad," she looked at the floor.

"No, no! Please, it's not your fault. The three of us have always had our issues."

She looked at him, "I suppose I'll be in here until the capital alerts me that I may return."

He shook his head, "I'm sure those two will come around eventually. Make yourself comfortable."

He started walking out the door as he turned back and smiled at her. She smiled back as he left the room.

He felt butterflies in his stomach. He had never felt this way about anyone else. She was perfect; head to toe. It almost felt like she was glowing.

He stepped out of her room and looked at his reflection through the glass wall.

"Why am I blushing so much!?" He covered his face.

"Let me put it simply: You're in love."

He looked to see Pyro leaning against the wall by Soria's door.

"Please, Pyro. Can't we just take her out for a little while."

Pyro looked uninterested as Damion persisted.

"You love Serena. If you got the chance to spend time with her, would you?"

Pyro sighed, "If anything were to happen to her."

"I get it. I would be to blame. Lets atleast take her to 'that place'."

Pyro tilted his head down, "Fine, I'll go get Giddion."

Damion smiled as he knocked on the door.

"Soria, get ready! We're going to the Arcade!"

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