20: The Plan Part 2

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"I'm serious."

"Well then, you're a idiot bastard."

"With Serena now working for us, she can now take up your jobs. We don't need you, Pyro." He scowled, looking at Pyro.

His eyes widened. His eyes intensed, and he fought back the urge to fight.

"You're insane! If you think that Serena can handle a whole damn apocalypse by herself with only a few days of training!?"

He looked at Giddion's smug expression as he leaned against the glass. Pyro stood up from his chair.

"Do you know what Giddion and Ariel are up to!? They want to release the nightmares from the pit in less than an hour!"

"Trust me, I know."

"What -" Pyro's eyes stared intensed and in shock.

"They informed me of the plan, and I'm not opposed. They're right, humans should tread lightly around dreamers. However, we plan to keep this in between dreamers."

"You're insane. ALL OF YOU ARE INSANE!"

"When you and Serena went on that mission to the school as I've been informed, humans feared and ran from the enemy. They relied on you two to save a whole school from a giant monster. Don't you see? Humans shouldn't get a say. They are lucky we even acknowledge their existence."

"The hell do your opinions have to do with firing the best dreamer in this whole damn building?"

"Do you know how long I've waited to get rid of you, Pyro. Your arrogance, your attitude. You think no one can touch you."

Pyro looked at the boss furiously as he mumbled under his breath.

"I will get every human in this city to turn against you. I don't care how long it takes me!"

Giddion grabbed Pyro's arms, restraining him.

"Good luck with that, Pyro," Giddion said with a devilish grin, "We'll make sure no one in this city can hear you."

"Take him to the pit, Giddion."

The pit!? The deep hole that leads to a fate worse than death deep underground. Nightmares that never end. Time was different. Days felt like weeks, weeks felt like months, and months feel like years and so on.

Pyro was no longer a dreamer, Serena and Damion didn't have a clue, and he was sentenced to the pit.

Pyro chuckled quietly as he looked at the boss, "Well, I guess it's a good thing I'm fired."

"Why's that?"

"So I can do anything in my power to stop you. And there is no way to stop me."

Within seconds, he kicked Giddion in the chest behind him, sending him flying as he smashed into the window glass. He sent a kick straight to the bosses face, leaving his nose bleeding.

The boss fell face first on his death groaning in agony. Pyro walked to Giddion, who was still on the floor. He took his face and punched him in each eye.


"No one, AND I MEAN NO ONE, HURTS SERENA!" He sent another punch before throwing his crippled body to the ground.

He ran out of his office as he saw the boss pull the alarm. He grabbed his intercom as he yelled into it.



Serena told Damion about everything. Just then, the boss gave that message over the intercom.

"Wait, Pyro? Don't they mean Ariel?" Damion asked, confused.

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