49: The Oracle

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Ariel and Serena stood outside of Pyro's bunker.

"Those two brothers are such bitches!" Ariel through a small rock at the wall.

"Tell me about it." Serena sat against the wall.

"And who does Mira think she is? She just jumped in on our argument like that. She can go cry to Damion for all I care."

"Why does she want me with Damion so bad? Do you think Damion wants me the same?" Serena said in deep thought.

"Probably, he's so desperate." Ariel said, leaning against the wall, "They are so shitty for not telling us anything. Do they think we're children. We can handle it!"

"Pyro told me a little bit, but not the whole story." Serena said a little annoyed.

"Well, I'm sure we'll hear about it soon." Ariel said, biting her lip.

Suddenly, the door opened to Pyro's bunker. It was Mateo.

"Hours up. Come on in, you two."

Ariel groaned as Serena followed her inside.

Everyone stood in the living room. The plan was ready to commence.

"Damion, set a timer on your watch for 15 minutes," Giddion commanded, "Once those 15 minutes are up, I should be with Gianna. I will distract her while all of you enter the dream realm."

Everyone nodded as Damion set the time, and Giddion walked out the door. They all waited for the 15 minutes to be up.


Giddion made it to the subway doors. Somthing told him that there was nothing but trouble ahead of him. He took a deep breath as he opened the doors. He saw Gianna in the room alone. She was just sitting there on her throne.

There were no henchmen and bodyguards. Even the Lexington twins weren't there either.

"Oh, hello, Giddion. I see you've returned." Gianna said as she sat up in her throne.

"Where is everyone?" Giddion looked around the room.

"I put everyone on break. But now that you are back, we can talk." She said nonchalantly.

He looked at her skeptically. This didn't feel right. She was so... calm.

He sat down in the chair she placed in front of her throne. She smiled warmly, but her aura still felt creepy.

The tension was sharp. You could cut it with a knife. Giddion felt nothing but fear. She just sat there smiling soullessly.

"Do you remember what you were like when you were young?"

"Hm?" He looked at her confused.

"I know, it was so long ago. But you have to remember at least a couple of things."

He didn't really feel like getting into this, but he responded.

"....yes mom. I do remember."

She grinned, "I remember when you were 8 years old. Pyro was just a frail little boy. You bullied him. You made him bleed. I wanted you to kill him, but yet I was so proud of you!"

Giddion felt his breath shudder. Why was she talking about this.

"And then, he became stronger than you. He was an amazing 1st grade, and you were a reject 2nd. Of course, I still loved you more than your brother, but still."

She continued, "You have my fiery rage and my beautiful red eyes. Why did you give yourself away like that?"

She continued smiling at Giddion's terrified expression.

"Pyro may be a 1st grade, Giddion. But at the end of the day, he is a street rat. A filthy human. He got lucky."

Giddion bit down on his teeth. He wanted her to stop talking so badly.

"What does this have to do with anything, Mother." He said, forcing himself to speak.

"Well, you must be angry. Aren't you?" She said with a devilish grin.

"And what if I am?"

"Pyro stole everything from you. Your popularity, your pride, the girl you once loved, your chances of being a 1st grade."

She paused and then said, "Even your girlfriend would probably leave you if she had the chance to be with him."



She giggled. She giggled more. The giggling became a laugh. The laugh became a maniacal cackle. She laughed and laughed.

"Oh! That's why you were my favorite, Giddion!"

He stared at her angrily. Suddenly, he felt two men grab his arms. They held him steady as he kicked and yelled for help.


She laughed and clapped her hands.

"Oh, this is fun! Is it not? Once I learned you escaped, I figured at least one of you would come back. I'm glad it was you, Damion would make such a pathetic puppet."

"A what!?"

"Listen, Giddion, I can sense the others in the dream realm as we speak. I need someone to go stop them, but I don't want to do it myself."

Black dreamer energy swelled around her hand as a giant nightmare appeared behind her. Giddion gasped and looked at it in terror.

"W-What is that!?" He screamed, still struggling to break free.

"You like her? I called her The Oracle. I named her after our last name!"

The Oracle wailed a song of rage and despair. Giannas laugh was the melody to a symphony of terror.

Black dreamer energy swelled around the Oracle and Gianna. Her eyes glowed red as she commanded,

"Oracle, possess Giddion."

The Oracle flew straight through Giddion as it possessed his body. He screamed in agony and terror.

"AHHHHH! PLEASE! MOTHER PLEASE!" Tears formed in his eyes as he pleaded for the pain to stop. "PLEASE STOP! PLEASE!"

She laughed as she watched his body get possessed.


She stopped laughing as she looked at him, "You disappointed me. But with the help of the Oracle, you will get your revenge."

"M-My revenge?" Giddion felt vulnerable to the possession. He couldn't fight the words escaping his lips.

"Yes, honey." She grinned as his eyes and sclera glowed red. His voice echoed and wailed like the nightmares.

She chuckled, "My son is a monster." She listened to his vicious wails echo the subway.

"Giddion, would you be a dear and bring me Pyro and Serena. Dead or alive. It doesn't matter to me."

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