30: The Mistrust

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September 16

1:37 am


"Where were you." His tone was cold and serious. The house was dark with only a few lights on.

"Damion..... is everything okay?" Serena walked closer with a concerned expression. Damion looked away angrily.

"We're you with 'him'?"


"You know what I mean," his voice got a little loud, "Were you with Pyro? Yes or No." She looked at him, surprised and slightly annoyed.


"Really?" He seemed unimpressed.

"Damion, what the hell is your problem? I'm literally dating you, and you're still fixated on Pyro."

"If you weren't with him, then where were you?"

She paused really quick and then answered.

"Me and Ariel hung out for a while."


"I'm not lying!"

"There is no way!" He yelled in denial.

She put her face in her hands, "My god, she was so right about you!"

"What!?" Damion's voice became a yell.

"Why are you so possessive of me!? The moment someone else comes along, you get all controlling!"

"I'm not controlling!" Damion denied.

"Who's the liar now?" Serena raised her voice, too.

Damion looked up at the ceiling and then back at her.

"Call her."


"If she answers, I'll know you're telling the truth."

Serena took out her phone and dialed her number. Damion stared at her angrily while she stared at him a little scared.

The phone kept dialing. The two stayed in silence in the dark room. The phone never picked up. It went straight to voice mail.

Damion raised his eyebrows at her worried face.

"Wait! Let me try one more time." She dialed the number again. She thought in her mind.

"Ariel, please, pick up."

The phone went straight to voice-mail again.

Damion sighed angrily.

"You're a pathetic liar. Do you really think I believe you hung out with her?"

"She's not that bad."


"Stop yelling!"


"Why are you so jealous of him!? Why are you acting this way!"

"Pyro is nothing but an arrogant bastard! Soon, you will understand!"

"No, I don't think I will! TELL ME WHAT IS YOUR PROBLEM!!"

"I don't want you hanging out with Pyro anymore!"


"He's not good for you!"

She could not believe what she was hearing. The kind, caring man she thought she loved was acting like a possessive monster. She calmed down and spoke.

"Damion, please, what is this stemming from. Did something happen?"

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