4: The Son

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Damion left his father's office and down the hall past Ariel.

"You know, you should really start acting more like your role, Mr. Damion," said Ariel while typing on her computer. He longed acrylics, creating an almost annoying sound.

Damion didn't stop and kept walking,
"You should really start respecting your superiors. I could get a lousy 3rd grade like you kicked out in seconds."

"But you wouldn't. Because you have guilt." She giggled evily.

He bit his tongue and kept walking. Ariel and him have never gotten along. All because of an incident that happened not too long ago.

He looked out at the night sky. His head was full of thoughts. He was the type to listen and think. He wasn't much of a talker.
Dreamers are assigned a certain ranking when they're born. Basically, it labels their strength and abilities s a dreamer. Dreamers are set into 3 rankings.

3rd Grade: They have white dream energy. Their powers aren't strong enough to do any real damage. They can bless people with good dreams, but that's about it.

3rd grade Dreamers often worked as PAs, front desk, filing, and any other non dream related jobs. They're the bottom or the totem poll.

2nd grade: They have dream energy that is a color given to them at birth. Their dream energy allows them to enter the dream realm, give people good dreams, and rid people of nightmares. However, they can't get rid of nightmares, only send them away.

2nd grade often has important dream related jobs.

1st grade: They have black dream energy. They can do everything that 2nd grade can do. However, their dream energy is way more powerful. Plus, they have the ability to absorb nightmares or get rid of them completely. When they absorb them, they can use them as their own weapons.

Antonio Pyro is the only 1st grade left. He receives jobs to absorb any nightmares that cross over or exist in the human or dream realm.


Damion never really liked Pyro. I mean, they both did see eye to eye most of the time, but he hated feeling so weak standing next to him.

Damion walked down the hall to his office.

Pyro got all the love and attention for what he did. Damion would hardly ever get a thank you. I guess he was a little quiet and didn't put himself out there like Pyro did.

But still. It felt so lonely.

He walked to the office where he saw his PA, Mira. Mira is s 3rd grade with a black Bob cut hairstyle with dark violet eyes.

"Where were you?" She said, walking up to him with a cup of coffee.

Damion took a sip of coffee.

"In a meeting with The boss, Giddion, and Pyro. Just job distribution is all."

Damion set the coffee down and walked to an open space.
"Better get to work." He cracked his knuckles, looking in front of him.

"Don't die, ok?" Mira leaned against the wall. Damion chuckled softly.

"I won't."

His eyes and hands glowed blue as his whole body fell unconscious.

Mira kept a close eye on him. He had entered the dream realm.


Meanwhile, Serena was lying in bed after a long shopping trip with Mateo. He covered her ears to hear her parents fighting, which never ended. No matter how big the house was, she could still hear them.

They would always fight for her. Her life, what they invisioned her to be. To be honest, She couldn't stand it. It was HER life, not THEIRS.

She tossed and turned, but still, she couldn't sleep. She wanted to tune out her parents' fighting more than anything. She checked her phone.
"It's 12:36, Damnit."

Why wasn't she tired? She thought if she focused hard enough, she could fall asleep.

She closed her eyes and took a few deep breaths. She could hear an ambiance in her ears. Then she opened them. Her eyes darted around, confused as ever.

She was no longer in her bedroom.


She looked around. An empty void of black nothingness. Magical particles floated everywhere in every hue.

"What the hell." She stood up, taking it all in. She hesitantly walked around.

"What is this place? Am I asleep?"
She could hear a calming ambiance echo the void. What was this place?

She walked further. She saw people. Standing there. Dead expressions on their face.

"Hello. Can anyone of you hear me?"
There was no reaction or response.
The people spread for miles. They were all people who lived in the city.

"What are you doing here?" A voice called from behind her.
She turned around. Her worried expression softened his eyes.

She looked at the man with brown hair and light blue eyes. Every inch of his body had a slight blue glow, but she didn't know why. His gaze was soft. His expression was surprised and confused.


"How are you here right now?"

"I, I don't know! I was just trying to fall asleep and I opened my eyes and I was here!"

Damion looked at her. She looked back.

"What is this place, Damion?"

"The Dream Realm. It's where people go once they fall asleep. Every person around here is in a dream except for you. But why?"

She shrugged, staring up at him. He stared into her delicate features. Her dainty skin and soft blonde hair made him feel shy. He started talking again.

"I don't know why you're here. It's impossible for humans to wake up in the dream realm. We have to figure out why this is happening."

She nodded. "But how?"

"It's simple," he snapped his fingers, and they both arrived in his office. The blue glowed faded, and the people, particles, and pitch darkness were gone.

Mira looked up from her phone.

"Who is this?"
Damion made way for Serena.

"This is Mr. And Mrs. Curtis's daughter, Serena. And my brothers ex-girlfriend."

Mira walked over to her, "Mira Lee, it's lovely to meet you."

"It's great to meet you too." Serena said sweetly.

"She was awake in the dream realm."

Mira's eyes widened.
"What!?, but how!?"

"I'm not sure, but if this relates to the nightmare apocalypse we are facing right now, we have to know why."

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