32: The Prodigy

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"I swear! Let me explain- GAHHHHHHHH!"

Pyro's grip got tighter.

"When Serena calls me in tears saying you hit her, there is nothing to 'explain'," his stared deep into Damion's eyes. The particles of the dark dream realm were the only light they could see.

"Tell me, Pyro! Was she with you?" Pyro couldn't believe that e would ask that after literally assaulting her. However he wouldn't mind I'd he was was with Serena.~

"No, she wasn't." He stated coldy.

Damion went quiet. He felt insane guilt.

"Do you know about Giddion and Secold. Pyro asked keeping his grip on Damions neck tight.

"What are you talking about?"

"So I guess she didn't," Pyro smirked to himself, "It's nice to be trusted."

"What did Giddion do?"

"He hurt her. She has a long scar along her stomach. A deep scar. When you hurt her, it reminded her of all of that. I hope you're happy."

Damion looked speechless. How could his brother do such a thing? He stammerd, "I-I would have never done that if I knew.."

"Bit late for that, don't you think?" Pyro said uninterested to hear excuses.

"Why wouldn't she tell me that?"

"Don't ask me, ask her."

Pyro put Damion down. Damion had tears swelled in his eyes. Pyro stared at him soulless.

"When your brother and father put me in that hell-hole, I knew that this would happen."

"What? T-That I would hurt her?"

"Mentally, not physically. She is mentally struggling with every limb in her body, and you just sit there and watch her suffer. Just like how you watched me suffer all those years."

Damion's eyes intensed as Pyro started walking, "You know, Damion. Ive made up my mind. You are worse than your brother."

He turned to Damion.

"You can tell Giddion is an asshole if you stick around to let him speak. You, on the other hand. You won't know you're an asshole until your soul is already crushed."

Damion gasped a little. His breath shuddered in the cold dream realm.

Pyro disappeared, leaving Damion in the dream realm alone.


That morning, Pyro was making his coffee with an excessive amount of sugar. He sat at the white marbel island as he looked at the chandelier. He looked to see Varrick wake up on the couch.

"Good morning." Pyro looked to see Varrick get up, still rubbing his eyes. His black hair was a little messy but still looked fine.

"Good morning, Antonio." Varrick got up and sat at the island with him.

"Why were you sleeping on the couch?"

"Why is there blood on your hand?"

Pyro looked at his hand. It was bruised from punching Damion straight in the face. There was a little blood on it.

"Don't worry, I just had to take care of something last night." Pyro sipped his coffee.

"Okay.... well, I couldn't sleep last night. I was thinking about the masked man."


He looked at Pyro, "Can you steal people's dream energy?"

"Well, yeah. 1st grade Dreamers are able to steal dream energy from other dreamers. However, it takes a lot of practice and can kill both dreamers"

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