57: The Mother

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Flash back: 10 years ago

"Honey, you must reconsider my idea!" Gianna persisted as she chased her husband in her red dress, "Come on! It makes sense! Don't worry, I could protect Dreamix from them!"

Demetrius sighed as he looked at his wife in her long black hair and red dress, "Darling, if you don't mind. I'm busy with my work. How about you go take care of Giddion and Damion."

She scoffed, "Don't you remember? They were sent on a mission with Pyro. I can't believe you're sending kids on your missions."

Gianna walked over to the window as she looked out at the city. Demetrius walked next to her as he spoke.

"Pyro is special. I've never seen a kid discover first grade energy at such a young age. The sooner he is trained, the stronger he will become."

"Yes, but that means you have a man in this building far more powerful than you."

"I'll cross that bridge when I get there." Demetrius closed his eyes softly.

Gianna rolled her eyes, "He's a lot better off than our sons are doing. They got the average power. How boring."

Demetrius looked at her angrily, "Remember, I'm 2nd grade too. Keep your gifted mouth shut, Gianna!"

"And yet you don't think I'd be capable of protecting this city if we released the nightmares!"

"It's not that!"

"Yes, it is! You're just waiting for someone better than me to grow up. Someone like Pyro!"

He sighed, "I'm not saying I don't trust you, love.."

"Then what are you saying?"

He went quiet, unsure what to say.


"You know, one day, I'm going to buy a motorcycle!" Pyro said, walking while licking a lollipop.

"Yeah, good luck with that. You're only 11." Giddion walked beside him, "You can't drive yet."

Pyro looked back at Damion, who was texting on his phone.

"Hey Dami! Do you think that cute girl we ran into would think I'm cool in a motorcycle?"

Damion didn't respond and looked back at his phone. Pyro rolled his eyes, "Ugh, I need cooler friends."

Giddion frowns as he looks a Pyro. "So what are you spending your next paycheck on?"

Pyro smiled. Although he was afraid of Giddion at a young age, he liked that Giddion now treated him like one of his equals. Although Pyro's ego knew he was far better.

"Actually, I was thinking of saving it! One day, I'll be loaded, and I'll have a nice house and a motorcycle and lots of other things."

Giddion chuckled a little, "We'll see."

Pyro pulled out flowers, "But i also bought these!"

Giddion looked at the bouquet, confused.

"Are those for Serena?"

"What? No; these are for your mom. It's her birthday, after all."

The three of them stepped into the elevator.

"What?! I completely forgot!"

Pyro clicked his tongue, "How sad. Don't worry, Giddion. Not everyone can be great like me!"

"I'm going to shove that bouquet right up your arrogant a-"

The two broke out fighting in the elevator while Damion continued texting his friend, Mira, on his phone.

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