28: The Discussion

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September 15th

"Oh my god..." Mira looked shocked.

"Tell me about it." Damion sat down at the meeting table. Serena, Mateo, Ariel, and Mira met with the brothers.

"Can first grade Dreamers steal our abilities?" Mateo spun his pen in his left hand.

"I'm pretty sure, at least to my knowledge." Damion replied.

"So what are we going to do?" Mira asked, looking at the brothers.

"I spoke to the boss. He declares we will be keeping our distance from humans as much as possible." Giddion stood up.

He lit his cigarette as he mumbled his words, "Only spend time here and your home. Lock doors, don't go places, limit outside time. And most importantly..... don't talk to ANYONE that's not a dreamer."

Mateo looked at him funny, "Aren't those kids Pyros taking care of humans?"

Damion and Giddion looked at each other, surprised.

"What are you talking about?" Giddion took out his cigarette as smoked swirled.

"Pyro is taking care of two kids at the moment. One of them is Leilani." Serena answered.

Damion's eyes widened, "Leilani?"

Serena nodded, "We were just there yesterday." She pointed at Mira and Mateo.

"Why were you there?" Damion's expression changed.

"We were just checking on him." Serena replied.

"Why does that matter to you?" Damion said with a hint of jealously. The room got awkward.

"Because he hasn't responded to our texts!" He voice sounded a bit upset.

"Why didn't you a-"

"My god, Damion, shut up!" Everyone turned to Ariel, who stood up, "Get off her back, you possessive asshole!"

Everyone looks surprised, especially Serena. Ariel sighed as she sat back down, mumbling to herself.

"We can excuse the two kids he's with for now, that is, if nothing else changes." Giddion put his cigarette in the ash tray and folded his hands together.

"For now, we need to set our attention to our main threat, The Masked Man. We have no clue who he is. All we know is that he has the ability to steal our Dreamer energy."

"Do you know what I think?" Mateo sat up. They all looked at him.

"This 'masked man' is only using the people. He doesn't care about providing the justice they desire. He probably has a goal beyond that, and he needs the people to bring him dreamers so he can execute that plan."

"What kind of plan needs our powers?" Damion said, surprised.

"Probably nothing good." Mira replied, looking at Serena, "He's probably trying to finish whatever plan he has before we release the nightmares on October 31st."

They all nodded as Giddion continued.

"The humans need to be put into place effective immediately. We can't let them recruit Pyro. I'm not exactly the person to convince him of that, so I'm placing Serena in charge of filling him in on our current affairs."

Damion looked away as Serena looked at him. Why was he getting so butt hurt about it?

"Serena, can you do that for the company?"

She hesitated but replied, "I can do that."

Giddion stood up, "Great, let us resume your current training tomorrow morning. I'll see to the boss about the other assignments."

They all left, one by one, as Serena passed Damion without talking. He could sense the cold feeling coming from her. He sighed as he made his way to his father's office with Giddion.


She walked into the lobby that was busy as usual. She got scowls from the other dreamers. She rolled her eyes. How could they think she's a traitor after all the training she's done.

At the same time, though, she felt conflicted. She is a dreamer, but she would never want to put people in danger by releasing nightmares into Dreamix. Not to mention, she is the one who has to protect the city from them! She bit down on her teeth. It feels like life is moving, and she has no control.
Suddenly, she heard her phone ring.

She looked at the contact. She sighed in realization. It was her parents. Hesitantly, she picked up the phone.


"Serena, Darling, are you there?"

Serena sat down in the lobby, "Yeah, I'm here."

"Oh good! I called to tell you something."

"Okay, what is it?"

"Marriot Grace from the capital just called! She wants you to be a model for her business up in Dreamopolis City!"

Serena's eyes widened, "Dreamopolis!?"

"Mhm! You'll get to relive your days as a model. You can finally be something great again!"

She looked slightly annoyed at her mom's words. It was as if her true achievements meant nothing to her mom compared to her looking pretty in front of a camera.

"Mom... I am something great," she paused a little confused, "I'm a dreamer."

She heard her mother's scoff through the phone, "The Dreamers are nothing more than snakes. Do you realize what side you're on, Darling?"

"Mom... I have a job to do. I can't just leave the city."

"What is so great in this city?" Her mom asked, annoyed.

Serena's mind went blank, "Well, um... I'm not sure, but -"

"Damion?" Her mom asked curiously.

"Yeah, sure, Damion is one thing.."

"Your Father and I are so thrilled things are working out between you two!"

Serena chuckled nervously as she thought about the conversation she had with him a moment ago, "Y-Yeah! It's great!"

"Oh, that makes me so happy, Darling! I just can't wait for your wedding!"

Serena and her went quiet.

"Wait- Wedding?"

Her mom went silent.

"Mom, what are you talking about?"

"Didn't you know? Damion was going to propose to you."

Serena dropped her phone in shock.

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