34: The Lock-In Part 1

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The nine of them ran in the lobby to the elevators. As the doors opened, Ariel, Mira, Mateo, and the two kids got in. The elevator couldn't fit anyone else.

"Close the door and get the two kids in a safe room." Pyro said, directed at the three adults. They all nodded as the doors closed.

The humans chased after the other four. They split into pairs. Serena and Pyro went down the left hall, and Damion and Giddion went down the right.

Serena and Pyro made a turn as they ran up the stairs. That bought some time to hide before the people realized they went up a floor.

They ran a few doors down and hid in a file closet. Pyro locked the door shut and moved away from the small window in the door. The two of them gasped for air as Serena got scared.

"What do you think they want!?" She whispered in a panicked tone.

She started hyperventilating as she heard their yelling and footsteps down the hallway.

Just then, She felt her body be pushed against the wall of the cramped closet.

"Shhh, Princess," he whispered in her ear, "I need you to stay quiet." She felt a protective arm around her waist, sending butterflies in her stomach.

He looked at her with sincere eyes. He stroked her cheek with his thumb as the two did their best to stay quiet.

The two heard loud footsteps. They were silent as the footsteps got close to the door. Serena was scared, and her body shook. Pyro stroked her hair as he heard the footsteps get quieter and quieter. The humans must have gone up to floor three.

"Shhhh, Princess. It's okay. You're safe." He whispered as he pulled her head close to his chest as her breathing went back to normal.

Suddenly, they heard loud jiggling on the door. Serena held onto him as the jiggling got louder.

"Take a step back." He ordered. Serena backed up towards the wall as Pyro pulled out the Dreamer Colt.

He pointed it as he slowly unlocked the door. Serena closed her eyes in worry as the door opened. It wasn't humans. It was Giddion and Damion.

"Oh, good. We found you two." Damion and Giddion stood at the door as they quickly ran in and locked it.

All four of them stood in the cramped space. Damion looked at Serena, but Serena didn't look at him. Pyro glared at Damion as Giddion kept a blank stare.

"We should stay here for a little while longer." Damion requested as Giddion nodded.

"Are you guys able to get in touch with the others?"

Giddion answered, "They must have knocked down the power lines or something because I'm not getting any signal in here."

Pryo sighed a little, worried about Leilani and Varrick. "Alright then."

They all stood there awkwardly. Pyro had his arms crossed. Damion leaned against the wall where Serena was.

She felt his eyes on her. She screamed internally not to start crying. His eyes felt sad and guilty. However, she was not ready to talk about this yet.

The power to the whole building shut off. The room got dark, but there was a lamp in the room that provided enough light.

The heat went off, too. It started to get cold. Serena shivered in her strapless short dress. This was horrible. Three men in a closet with her. One she loved, one she was dating, and one that she dumped. She was scared, cold, and stressed.

"Are you cold?" Pyro set his hand on her shoulder while putting his jacket on her. It was way warmer. His jacket smelled like vanilla.

"T-Thanks." Serena said shyly. Damion looked like he was about to burst.

"Serena! Please, let me just talk to you!" Damion begged.

"Oh, give it a rest, Damion. It's just a chick." Giddion rolled his eyes. Damion stared at his brother, triggered.

"You're the one who left that scar on her stomach!" Damion yelled. Giddion looked shocked. Serena wanted to disappear.

"S-She told you that?" Giddion asked nervously.

"More like Serena told me, and I told Damion." Pyro looked to see Serena on the verge of tears. He pulled her closer to him in a tight hug.

"Y-Yo-You bitch!" Giddion raised his voice a little.

"That's enough, Brother!" Damion looked at him with anger. He then sighed as he looked at her.

"Serena, Love, why didn't you tell me Giddion did that to you?" He asked a little sad that she didn't trust him with that information.

Serena had her face buried in Pyro's chest. He stroked her hair as he felt her shuddered breath. Damion looked at them jealously.

"Pyro, would you please stop trying to protect her!?," Damion asked, annoyed, "She's not yours! Stop acting like it."

He hugged her tighter as he looked at Damion coldly, "She can do whatever the hell she wants after the way you two have treated her." She lifted her head from his chest as they looked into each other's eyes.

Damion looked at her as she kept her head turned, "Serena...please..."

Before Serena could turn from Pyro's face and answer, Giddion interrupted.

"I don't hear anyone. Let's go to the vault room a few floors up. We'll be extra safe in there."

The other three looked at him and nodded as they left the closet. They ran down the hall and up the stairs a few levels up. They could hear the sounds of people on the floor above them. Finally, they reached the floor as they ran down the hallway. They ran past all the normal doors until they reached the last door on the floor. There was a door made with titanium. Giddion scanned his ID, fingerprint, face, voice, and password.

The doors opened. The rest of the people were in there. The three adults and two children. The doors shut as they all were back together. Pyro hugged Varrick and Leilnai, relieved. Ariel and Giddion kissed each other. Serena hugged Mira and Mateo.

Just then, the intercom came on. A deep voice spoke. They all shuddered a little in fear.

"Hello, this is the Masked Man. I'm willing to make a deal for the 7 Dreamers in the building." He paused

"Give me Pyro Antonio and the vessel, Serena."

They all looked at the two of them. They looked at each other.

"If you don't, I will find you, steal your powers, and your boss will die."

To be continued

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