51: The Dream Realm Part 2

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Pyro, Ariel, and Mateo walked the other direction than the others. Mateo walked ahead as Ariel and Pyro talked.

"Pyro, please forgive me. I'm really sorry about everything." Ariel said, looking at his cold expression.

He looked at her, "You threw me in a pit."

"Correction, I wanted to release the nightmares. The stupid firing you idea was Demetrius's plan."

"You also are dating Giddion, who I hate."

"I'm breaking up with him anyway." She said, rolling her eyes.

"Then which man are you going to chase after?"

"None. I've been with enough men to know they're not for me."

He chuckled a little as he looked at her.

"Serena seems to trust you."

She smiled, "Serena and I have similar views and attitudes. Especially when we have conversations away from others. There's not a person at the moment that I trust more than her.

Pyro smiled at Ariel, and she smiled back. It looks like she isn't as annoying as he knew her to be.

"What happened?" He asked, looking at her.


"When did you change?"

"When I noticed that Damion was playing the same game with Serena that he did with me." She said quietly.

"I see." The two kept walking as they made it to a clear-ish wall that was blocking them from trespassing.

"Hey guys. Do you think this is the veil?" Mateo asked, stopping in front of it.

Pyro walked up as he placed his hand on it. He felt the souls of thousands of nightmares keeping this veil up.

"Yeah, definitely." Pyro backed up as he looked at them, "Both of you, take a step back." They took a step back. Black dreamer energy glowed in his hands. His eyes glowed gold as a big orb of 1st grade dream energy formed in his hand. He blasted it at the veil. His power disintegrated as soon as it touched the veil.

"What the hell?" Ariel looked at him, "Your powers did nothing!"

He nodded, "It seems that the veil is being controlled by the nightmares and Gianna's 1st grade energy. Put those two together, and that's a powerful force," he started walking, "If that dream blast I made was ineffective, then no matter what we do, we won't damage it."

The two followed him as he started walking away from the veil, "Then what do we do?" Mateo asked.

"We either defeat Gianna, or we get the manipulation stone from the Lexington twins. Those two options are the only ones I can think of."

The three of them kept walking until Pyro stopped. His vreath shuddered as he felt something uneasy in the air.

"Why did you stop?" Ariel said, crossing her arms.

"I-I sense a very strong nightmare presence," he closed his eyes and focused, "It's coming from the direction the others went."

Pyro started running, and the other two followed behind.


"You are ridiculous." Tears ran down Serena's face, "Why are you doing this?"

"Because I don't want you anywhere near Pyro. You belong to me and only me."

"I will NEVER let you marry me." She said, her voice shaking

"It's too bad your parents don't care about what you want. So I suggest you tread lightly around me."

Her breath shuddered. All she wanted was to get away from him. The Dream realm is dark and empty. All she could focus on was him.

Just then, they saw Mira running in their direction. She looked scared.

"RUN BOTH OF YOU, RUN!" Their eyes widened as they saw Giddion running at her. His eye sockets glowed red as he ran at Mira, knocking her over. She laid on the ground unconscious as Giddion growled. His teeth looked sharp, like knives as he looked at Damion and Serena.

"Serena, SERENA!" Giddion growled in an ugly scream.

"Go get Mira! I'll take care of Giddion." Serena yelled at Damion.

Damion ran to Mira and checked her pulse. He held on to her. She was breathing, but she was unconscious.

Serena looked at Giddion's sinister grin. His bloodlust was oozing all over the place. She felt an intense aura coming off him.

Serena blasted her dreamer energy at Giddion. It didn't even leave a mark on him. Her powers couldn't do anything against him! She blasted dream energy with all of her force at him. It stunned him, but for only a second. She darted around place to place as she fought him.

Giddion blasted red dreamer energy at her. It hit her chest hard. She gasped for air, feeling the wound in her chest. She put her hand over her heart as he crouched to the ground. She felt blood on her hand. She stood up hesitantly as she powered her black dreamer energy.

She blasted it at Giddion. It hit his head, and he wailed in pain. But he recovered instantly. He ran at her as he dived after her. She dodged out of the way as he shot red dreamer energy at her. She couldn't bear this. She had no way to counter his attack.

They fought for longer as she heard yelling from a distance.

"Serena!" She heard Pyros voice call for her.

Her eyes were away from Giddion as she looked at Pyro. His eyes widened as he saw Giddion charge at her.

"Serena! Look out!

She then screamed in pain as she felt Giddion's dream energy hit the side of her forehead. She fell to the ground as they all heard her faint cries. Blood dripped down her face as she got up. Pyor and the others kept running towards her but were too far to do anything

"Serena, stop! He's too strong!"

Giddion cackled as he shot a beam of his dream energy at Serena. Serena countered it by shooting the beam back.

The beams met in the center as they both fought vigilantly. Serena held on for dear life as Giddion overpowered her defense. His beam overtook hers as she was blasted to the ground.

"SERENA!" Pyro screamed as he ran to Serena. Blood dripped down her face. Her body was weak and frail.

"Everyone, we have to get away from Giddion." Pyro commanded. They all focused their minds as the dream realm disappeared and Pyros' living room returned. Mira laid unconscious. Pyro carressed Serena's face as she laid barely awake with blood all over her face and clothes.

"What the hell did Gianna do to my brother!?" Damion asked, horrified. Pyro looked at him and answered.

"Damion, that is not your brother anymore."

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