45: The Chase

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The two of them rode out to the bar where Jace Harris was. Serena held onto Pyro as he drove his motorcycle in the dark city. The city glowed hues of blue and a little bit of red. It was a little unerving with all the nightmares around but strangely calming.

They saw the building as they parked on the side. She got off feeling a little cold in her dress, but she didn't show it.

"Okay, you know what you need to do, right?" Pyro said, getting off the motorcycle.

"Go in there and find a way to get him away from those guys and everyone else. Once we're in private, you tie him up, and we get out of here."

He nodded, "Excatly right."

She took a deep breath as she smoothed out her skirt.

"How do I look?" She spun around.

He looked up and down as a smirk appeared on his face.

"You don't want my answer, Princess."

She blushed as he chuckled a little.

"I'll be in the room watching what's happening. Just in case there's any trouble."

"Wait- what if they recognize me?"

"It will be dark in there. I doubt it."

"Okay... I'll see you in a bit." She started walking as her heels clicked against the sidewalk.

He looked at her figure as she walked away. Her pretty hourglass curves, her fit legs and thighs, her hair wavy, and long.

"My my~," He said quietly to himself.


She walked into the bar. It was dark with smooth jazz playing in the background. She felt some eyes on her. Made sense, she was one of the only women here. Plus, she didn't have anyone coming in with her.

She looked around and saw the guy, Jace Harris. He was average height and had short black hair and brown eyes.

He looked very invested in the game he was playing. It would take more than talking to get him away from the other men. She walked up to the balcony setting over the bar as she looked down at them. She got a call from Pyro.

"Black Swan to White Swan, what's your status?"

She chuckled, "Don't code names seem like a bit much?"

She heard his chuckle through the phone.

"What's going on right now?"

"I'm looking at him. He seems invested in the game. I don't know how I'll get his attention."


"Oh, wait! I got it!"

"You do?"

"Mhm, if I call you again, it means I'm in trouble, ok?"

"Got it, good luck, Princess."


They hung up as she walked down the stairs. She passed the bar as two guys looked at her.

"Hello, Darling~." One of them turned around from the bar and looked at her.

"What's a pretty little doll like you doing in a place like this?"

She looked at the two of them. Their hair was black, and their eyes were red. Their skin was pale like a vampire's. They had to be identical twins or something. Their only difference was their hair length.

The one with longer hair looked at her with a devilish grin, "I'm Vladimir."

The short hair one smirked as he picked up her chin with his fingers, "And I'm Melchoir~."

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