29: The Frenemy

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"I'm sorry! I thought you knew!" Her mom sounded upset.

Serena groaned with her face in her hands.

"Oh, Darling. I'm so sorry I ruined the suprise!"

Serena sighed. That wasn't why she was upset. She wasn't sure if she was ready to get married yet. She was only 20. Not to mention, the current rebellion arising and her constant training.

"I-It's fine, mom." She felt her hand shake. Everything was wrong.

"You're going to say 'yes', right?" Her mom said with her tone sounding serious.

Serena didn't want to answer. She felt like this was too quick. She felt a tear form in her eye. Why would he try to do that now!? Why during a whole crisis? Why when she's under so much pressure?

Why...... when she felt so.... trapped?

"Your offer...... mom. Is there a deadline for that modeling offer?"

"Um, not that I know of."

She stayed quiet as she took a death breath.

"I'll think about it."

"Okay," he mother said, "Goodbye, Serena!"

Her mom hung up.

She felt tears form in her eyes. Her stress just doubled. She got up and walked into the bathroom. She went in a stall and leaned against the wall, gathering her thoughts.

She cried softly. Everything felt wrong. Was she really going to take her mom up on that offer to escape the proposement? How could she say no to Damion!? She didn't want to hurt him, but she didn't want to marry him yet!

She wiped tears as she sniffled slightly. The thump in her throat felt heavy. Suddenly, she heard a familiar voice from outside the stall. She stopped crying.

"Serena? Is that you?"

It was Ariel.


She opened the stall. With the mascara on her face and her eyes puffy.

"My god, what happened to you?"

Serena felt more tears fall down.

"Hey, hey, Chill. What's going on?"
Serena got a paper towel as she wiped her makeup.

"I just found out from my mom that Damion is going to propose to me. I feel like I'm not ready, too young, and I'm so unsure right now." She sniffled as Ariel patted her back.

"I wasn't going to say anything, but...."

"You literally called him an asshole."

"Well, yeah, obviously. But he is, though. He acts like he is so perfect compared to everyone else. Like - mentally. He points out everyone else's flaws, but not his own."

"How so?" The two of them leaned against the sinks.

"He thinks Pyro and I are too ambitious and arrogant. Plus, he thinks that he is such a better person than his brother when really they are both two whining bitches."

"Then why did you date them?"

"Ambition. Whether you can see it or not..... you, me, Pyro. We all see something greater for us than what we got. We want more."

The two of them walked out of the bathroom, and out of Dream HQ, it was already nighttime, as they walked down the street. They walked into a dark bar. The lights were low, and no one noticed their Dreamer uniforms.

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