13: The Tensions

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"What did you say?" Damion looked threatened.

"Want me to say it again?" Pyro smirked, tapping the ring on his finger.

He took two steps forward and said a little softer

"No one lays a hand on my Princess," he looked at him with an intimidating glare.

"Pyro, she's a human being! She's not 'yours' or whatever!"

"Well, one thing is for sure. She is not about to be with someone like you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean!?"

"You'll break her heart, like how you broke everyone else who ever trusted you, Damion."

Damion trembled in his stance.

"Shut up, Pyro."

"Make me, Bitch."

Suddenly, the door to Damions office opened.

"Enough you two! Ugh! I can hear everything you're saying!"

Serena walked out of the room as the two of them looked slightly guilty.

"Listen, you two. I'm still trying to make a decision. But please, please don't fight over me. Just let me have time to figure this out."

The two of them nodded and apologized.

"Serena. The boss wanted me to start your training today. Would you rather wait for tomorrow to heal up from today."

She smiled, "Yes, please, Pyro."

He smiled at her as she made her way to the elevator, "Drink some tea and get lots of rest." Pyro said. She nodded as the doors closed. The elevator started going down.

The two looked at each other, "She's never going to pick you, Pyro. Just wait and see."

"I could stand here with you arguing something we can't control. Or I could actually and go make plans for my way to prove you otherwise. And that's exactly what I'm going to do."

Pyro stepped in the elevator and turned to face Damion.

"Good day." The elevator doors closed and started going up.

"Bastard," Damion mumbled under his breath.


Serena got off the elevator to the lobby and started her way out of the building. She got outside and called her chauffeur to pick her up.


That name sent chills down her spine. It meant 'he' was behind her.

"What do you want, Giddion?"

He frowned, "Don't think that because you're a third grade, you're above me."

She rolled her eyes, "Please, like I care about that."

"Well anyways, I heard that your parents aren't home and I was wondering if you wanted to spend a few nights with me?" He asked flirtatiously as his arm slithered around her.

She immediately kicked him in the shin with her heel. He fell to his knees, groaning in pain. He looked up at her in a low voice, still gasping for air.

"Godamn, I forgot how feisty you are."

"Shut up! I will never spend another night, day, or anything with you!"

He got up, chuckling. "Do you think Pyro or Damion will be any different? They're just like me, Serie."

"Liar." She looked up at his vampire-like red eyes.

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