36: The News

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September 23rd

A week has passed since the lock-in at Dreamer HQ. The building was closed until further notice. The 10 people who were there when the lock-in happened were now separated.

Serena, Pyro, Damion, Giddion, Demetrius, and the kids were all staying at Pyro's place. Mira, Ariel, and Mateo were taken by the people.

Serena walked down the stairs. Giddion was in the kitchen making food.

"Whacha' making?"

"Crepes, you want one?"

She nodded as she said at the island. He poured chocolate syrup and placed chocolate chips on her crepe.

"As you like it." He chuckled, and she giggled too.

"Thank you." She took a bite. The chocolate was good, but the crepes tasted like Styrofoam. He sat down across from her as they ate.

"Question, Giddion."

"Go ahead," he took a bite.

"Why do you want Dreamers to control the city."

He stopped eating and looked up at her. She kept taking.

"I know it seems like an obvious question. But I don't get the vibe that it's what you want."

He sighed. He looked at her with his blood red eyes.

"Serena. I think you'll understand. We're both ambitious but reasonable people."

She looked at him intrigued.

"People are specks of dust in this universe. They serve no purpose but to answer to us. Dreamers are magical beings that have been around since the beginning of time," he continued, "And not just Dreamers. Other magical beings that live in other places of the world should be held to a higher standard, don't you think?"

She nodded, "And the only way to do this is to put them through hell, so they'll have to turn to us?"

"It seems there is no other effective way."

She looked at him, upset.

"You guys are not even asking for MY say in this. If you guys release the nightmares, I will be the one having to protect the city."

He sighed as he looked at his crepe, "I'm sorry, Serena. I know I've been and asshole all your life."

He took her hand and looked her in the eyes, "But I'm promise you. This plan we have will improve all the Dreamer's lives."

She bit her tongue to prevent arguing. He got up and went outside to smoke.

"What are you eating, Serena?" Leilani walked down the stairs.

"Oh, hi Leilani!" Serena smiled as she walked down the stairs.

Leilani ripped off a piece of Giddion's crepe. She took a bite, "It tastes like paper."

Serena shushed her, but she couldn't hold back her laugh.

"Oh, come on, Serena, be honest." Leilani said, smiling.

Serena giggled and then asked, "Where is Antonio?"

"Downstairs, Varrick and him are working on something."

"Ahh," she cleared her throat, "Can I ask you something, Leilani?"


"I went into your dream one time while I was in the dream realm. You were on a beach with this one guy. Who was that?"

"Oh!" She giggled, "That's Richard, but he's not real."

"He's imaginary?"

"Mhm. My life was very lonely when I was a kid. My parents were always at work while my brother was at school. I imagined Richard to be my best friend. I know he's not real anymore, but still."

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