15: The Mall

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"How do these look?"

Mateo turned around from the mirror.

"Yellow sunglasses?" Mira looked at them, squinting her eyes and tilting her head.

"Yellow shades, I think, sound nicer, don't you think?"

She looked at them, showing her teeth in disapproval.

"Ugh. Serena, what do you think?" He posed. Serena looked at them with a supportive smile.

"Atlest they match your makeup."

He rolled his eyes, "I'm buying five of them. I don't even care." Serena chuckled while looking in the mirror at herself. Mira looked over at her, smiling.

"You're gorgeous, Serena. I can understand why Damion and Pyro feel that way about you." Mira said, placing a hand on Serena's shoulder.

She smiled, "Thanks, but I still can't decide which one I should pick. I mean, just when I feel like I made a decision, the other one makes me change my mind."

"Obviously, there is only one right choice, and that is Pyro." Mateo said while fumbling through a clothes rack.

"Um, Correction, Damion is a far better choice than Pyro."


Serena looked at the clothes, tuning out their arguing. She looked up at the mannequin to see it wearing a beautiful blue dress. The store clerk noticed her interest and walked over to her.

"That's our latest piece," she looked at Serena, "Wait a minute, are you Serena Curtis?" The clerk asked excitedly.

She nodded as the clerk's eyes lit up.
"Omg! You have modeled for so many of our magazines. I'm such a fan!"

She smiled, "I'm flattered."

"Please, Serena, I'll make this dress half off for you. Trust me, it will look great on you for any occasion!"

She looked at the clerk, "How can I say no to that! Can you ring it up for me?"

The clerk nodded and rushed to the register. She looked back at Mira and Mateo, who were still arguing.

"Damion graduated from the University of Dreamopolis! DREAMOPOLIS!"

"Who cares!? Pyro is twice as smart, cunning, clever he has a nice car, and ABS!"

"Mira, Mateo! Come on, we're checking out."

They whispered to each other, "Let's make this a 30 dollar bet."

"Oh, you're on."


Serena stood at the register as the clerk ran up the dress.

"What size are you?"


"What color do you want the dress in?"

"Royal Blue."

"Any shoes or other things to go with it?"

"Mabye a five inch silver with some domond encrusted ear -"

She turned to the window and saw none other, but Pyro was walking by the store. He didn't see her, but she saw him.

"Pyro?" She thought to herself. Was this the 'secret' place he was off to?

"Mam, mam!"

She snapped back, "Just the shoes and earrings, please." She paid and walked out of the store with Mateo and Mira.

"Pyro? You just saw Pyro?" Mira asked curiously.

"He is probably out buying something for Serena, and he wanted it to be a suprise." Mateo said proudly.

The Dreamers Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora