58: The Escape Part 1

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Pyro stood in the dark subway track. Across from him was Giddion; who was possessed by a nightmare.

He stared at the nightmare with confidence. The worst thing to do in a fight with a nightmare is to show fear. However, he was utterly terrified.

When someone is possessed by a nightmare, the options are slim.

It's possible to remove it, but at a cost. He can kill the nightmare, but that can kill Giddion in the process.

"Damnit....," Pyro held the Nightmare blade. He spent years of hard work fusing it with nightmares to make the ultimate nightmare weapon to override nightmares.

However, this nightmare was insanely strong. It came straight from Gianna, so she must've added her own dream energy to boost it.

Pyro threw his jacket off, leaving him in his black compression shirt and black jeans.

"You're a nasty girl, aren't ya?" Pyro chuckled as he looked at Giddion, "You know; you may give Giddion a fighting chance against me."

The nightmare growled and made weird, distorted sounds as it spoke it a deep voice of a woman, "You're an arrogant man."

He chuckled deeply as he walked closer, stroking his bottom lip with his thumb. He looked at the nightmare with a smirk on his face.

"Is it arrogance? Or is it honesty? You see, if I know I'm going to win, I won't just leave you with false hope. This isn't arrogance. It's a warning."

The nightmare blasted red dreamer energy with a mix of black all over the subway track as Pyro blocked it with the Nightmare Blade.

"Try all you want, sweetheart. You're not gonna survive. I take you back to hell where you belong." His voice got deeper as his eyes glowed gold.

Not a second passed. Pyro and Giddion sprint at each other in a mad dash. Giddion shot nightmares particles as Pyro stopped them with his dream energy.

Pyro swung the Dream blade. Giddion dodged it quickly before he lost his head. It scuffed his nose and took a small piece of hair.

Giddion uses the nightmare energy to form particles to reassemble a sword. The two began and exchanged as the blades swung violently back and forth.

The nightmare growled as Pyro grinned, "Isn't the adrenaline to die for?"

The nightmare slashed him in the head with the particles sword, but he used the dream barrier to bloke most of the blade before it caused damage to his head.

He chuckled as his white hair formed a patch of deep red blood.

"Well, damn; that actually kinda hurt. You better be sparing. This is AB- blood, and I donate regularly."

"Are your arrogant quips and confident attacks merely to mock me?" The nightmare spoke in an echoing voice.

"No~ it means I'm enjoying this." He came in again with the blade as he slashed Giddion's arm. The nightmare wailed in pain, and she clutched the wound in Giddion's body.

Particles swarmed the wound as it healed, but not all the way.

"Ahh, I see," Pyro placed his fingers on his chin, "Your ability is limited for a certain amount of time. This means you need to rest to recharge all that nightmare energy controlling your possession."

He lunged forward again, slashing the other arm as the nightmare wailed.

"I just have to keep this going."

The nightmare healed her other wound as she formed nightmare particles in Giddion's hands. They exchanged as they took turns running at and avoiding each other.

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