47: The Two that got Out

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"Other one, play sad violin for me." Gianna whined as sounds of violin began to echo the subway.

"And you, Demi. Bring me tea and blankets. It's cold in here!" She demanded.

"Yes, Ms. Oracle." Demetrius sighed as he made his way upstairs.

Damion and Giddion swept the floors as they made eye contact from time to time.

Suddenly, they heard the door open. Two twins with blood eyes and black hair waltzed in with a devilish grin on their faces.

"Good morning, Madame Oracle." Vladmir said as the two bowed.

"Oh! Melchoir, Vladmir! I'm so happy you are here!" She jumped from her throne and ran up to them.

"It's an honor for us, our precious little raven." Melchoir kissed her hand.

"Oh, stop it! I'm so flattered."

"We bring you terrible news, however."

She gasped, "What is it?"

"It seems Pyro and Serena have kidnapped Jace Harris."

She stared at them with her eyes widened, "They-," she giggled maniacally, "Oh, they are so DEAD!"

She took off her broach and threw it at the wall, "They're dead, Dead, DEAD!" She screamed.

Vladimir smirked, "Her bloodlust is so mesmerizing. Isn't it, brother?"

"Indeed." Melchoir nodded.

She calmed down as she smoothed our her skirt, "Well, I'll just have to figure out their base, and then I'll find him."

She walked and sat on her thrown.

"Both of you, won't you talk to me?"

They smirked as they looked at each other, "Of course, our precious little duckling~." Melchoir answered as they leaned by her on her throne.

Damion and Giddion moved to sweeping the space behind her. While she was distracted, Damion and Giddion looked at each other with annoyed faces. They looked to see Melchoir smirking deviously.

"Gianna, dear. I think we should have Damion and Giddion clean the whole subway track?"

She looked at Melchoir, surprised, "Really?

"Why yes~," Vladimir agreed, "It would really teach them a lesson for what happened to you."

She giggled, "Oh, you two are geniuses!" Melchoir placed a finger over her lips.

"Please, let us escort them. Just relax, and when we get back, we'll talk about what we will do to Demetrius."

Gianna squealed with joy as she hugged Vladimir, "Oh, you two are perfect! Just perfect! I wish my sons shared your talent!"

"It's our pleasure." Said Vladimir as they got up and walked over to Giddion and Damion, who looked annoyed.

Melchoir took Damion, and Vladimir took Giddion as they walked down the subway tunnel.

They walked to a far point where Gianna and anyone else could no longer hear them.

Vladimir and Melchoir let go of them as Giddion turned around in fury.

"Finally," Giddion rolled up his sleeves, "I've been waiting to punch you two in the face!" He launched forward at them but was restrained by Damion.

"Calm down, Giddion!" Damion held him back.

"Now, now. We are giving you an opportunity to escape." Melchoir said with a smirk.

"Be appreciative that our little doll is beautiful enough to win us over." Vladmir said, walking closer to them."

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