die for you

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"the distance and the time between us it'll never change my mind, just know that i would die for you." -the weeknd, die for you

in which you have your doubts about a long distance relationship

your best friend, max, was at your house. she was yelling at you for being 'hung up on chris' even though he's away.

"i'm not 'hung up,' max! we're in love! it's been a year and a half!" you shout back.

"i'm just saying, long distance is bullshit." max says to you. after she said this, you flip her off as she walks out of your house.

you let out an angry groan and slam the door to your bedroom. nothing is going right for you. chris and his brothers had to go on tour, but your college course didn't allow that. so you were forced to stay behind. and now, your best friend is mad at you. all your feelings began to overwhelm you, and your body shut down the only way it knew how: panic.

your chest began to tighten as you felt your eyes water. even though max was angry at you, you wished she was here. but she wasn't, so you went to the next best option- chris.

the time difference always made things difficult. you guys tried your hardest to text and call and facetime, but there were some times it got messy. with your shaking hands you facetime chris, trying (and failing) to get your breath under control.

apparently chris was on stage doing a show when you called, and he was more than excited to talk to you. he answered with a big smile on his face, speaking into the microphone. "look who's on the phone!"

the crowd screams with joy, but chris pulls the phone away when he sees your distressed state. "chris, i- i can't breathe."

"fuck. hold on, hon. guys, i'll be right back!" he says, shoving the microphone into nicks hand as chris runs off stage. "hey, you're okay love. take a deep breath."

you shake your head as more tears spill out. "i can't."

"yes, you can. do it with me, i believe in you." he takes an exaggerated deep breath as he rushes into the green room and shutting the door behind him. you shakily follow his breathing, yours slowly calming down.

"i need you to come home."

"i know, baby. i really want to come home too. but you know i can't." he says.

"i feel like with you being on tour... we're falling apart. and i'm so scared of that." you admit. it's always been hard for you to communicate the thoughts that you hold, but you've been trying harder to get better.

"listen, baby. i know that you're scared to be lonely, but you know im only a phone call away. i know we're going through it and it makes you feel alone, but just know that i would quite literally die for you. you're my girl, you mean the most to me. trust me, no matter the distance or time between us, it'll never change my mind about you, okay? i hate seeing you cry." he rambles out.

your heart starts pounding at his sweet words, but the tears fall faster when you remember that he's miles and miles away. "i love you. i just wish i was with you."

"i know you do, i wish you could be with me too. i love you, princess. hey, i have to go. the shows almost over and i'll call you right after i get off stage. is that okay?" he says, looking over at the stage.

"okay. thank you, chris."

"you're very welcome, gorgeous." and with that, he hangs up.

you find some small chores to distract you for the next forty-five minutes. it works for the time being, until you get a facetime call from chris at around 10:30 at night.

"how was the show?" you ask, sitting down on your bed. those chores absolutely wiped you out, and you were incredibly close to just falling asleep. but you knew you needed to see him before you fell asleep.

"it was good! i won." he smirks, holding up his metal. "how are you? i know you tend to get a super bad headache after a panic attack." he lowers his voice a bit, which makes you think that his brothers are close by.

"i took medicine. but i'm extremely tired, i just wanted to hear your voice." you admit, laying down and getting comfortable, plugging your phone in and propping it up against an abandoned water bottle on your nightstand.

"then i'll talk to you later. sleep well, princess." he says, but you stop him.

"can you just, like, talk? tell a story or something. i want to hear your voice, it'll seem like you're here." you request, almost embarrassed for what you said.

"of course i will. okay, so, on the bus i was playing mario kart, but then nick lost his shit and..." he starts, but you're already beginning to fall asleep.

once you're completely passed out, he doesn't bother to hang up the phone. he just plugs his in and falls asleep himself.

even with all the miles between you two, you both know that everything will be okay.

if it came down to it, you would die for him, and he would die for you.

a/n- it's chrissy!!

about damn time i wrote a music chap that's not taylor

i love the weeknd so much

i hope you all enjoyed! it's not my best just this song has been stuck in my head for EVER


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